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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. I just tried to open the link, and it didn't work...let me try and get the pic to work on its own: [/url] was the one I was asking for more pics of (in case this doesn't work, the gold re-skin S30 with the fabricated metal front fascia) and the gen I RX-7 was the one I said I liked a lot.
  2. Ernie, I LOVE this car right here:http://f3.yahoofs.com/users/41c18437za29b0fc1/4dd4/__sr_/89b7.jpg?phgsEGFBGhoZqaJS and do you have any other pictures of this: http://f3.yahoofs.com/users/41c18437za29b0fc1/4dd4/__sr_/dcee.jpg?phI8EGFBL7TxPD7X That's a very intriguing project, for me at least.
  3. I only found a few, 280zforce did the rest, but you're welcome! (I still like the 24kt DeLorean the best)
  4. YES!!!!! Somebody is doing a 610 wagon!!! AWESOME! I told you guys on that non-tech thread (http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=114570) that the wagon would rise again! *ahem* Sorry RacerX, I'm not in a position to do more than give you a big digital high five for thinking outside the box on your next project, but if that was my neck of the woods, I'd help out for sure.
  5. The other thing I forgot to mention is that the car had a square port header on it when I got it too, so that confuses me even further about why the circle job might have been performed.
  6. I'm with Mike, it sounds a bit fishy to me also. I work at a dealership, so I see salesmen everyday. My experience with them across the board is that they are barely qualified to tell you what time it is, let alone tell you any useful information, so a salesman actually recognizing a Z31 as such, and then knowing it might have a following in another country just doesn't sound right to me. In fact, our salesmen are getting a new product crash course, and the guy giving the demo just told them that having a wider tire is better in the rain...
  7. I'm not particularly familiar with 350's yet, but I was under the impression they had around 8.5-1 compression with stock internals-a fairly boost friendly CR on other motors I've been around. I'm only looking at an intercooled 6-7 psi, how low would you expect I would need to be?
  8. I'm hoping to have my car running on the L28 with MS later this week, All the hardware is in place, I'm just sorting out the wiring. You better believe that the first order of business is going to be "making sure the front brakes work better than the rears..."
  9. I suspect it's going to become MY wife's favorite bitching theme before too much longer... *edit* I guess the rest of the blame falls on BRAAP and RonTyler:http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=114696&page=3 I want to post some hazy rebuttel of my own, but sadly my z just isn't up to the task right now...
  10. What should the stock deck height be? I could probably arrange to measure that to verify or dismiss this. I guess I should clarify the story behind this engine: this head came off the N42 engine that was in my automatic 1977 280z when I got it. It had the EGR intake manifold withOUT the webbing, and the block has L28 scribed into it. The guy I got the car from said the guy HE got it from told him the motor was a remanufactured engine that he had put in shortly before th car died. The car came with no paperwork to confirm or deny that claim, however, so I was operating under the assumption that it was not true. I was driving this car with an underpowered electric fan and no guages for a bit (not much, just here and there), but evidently it was enough to blow the headgasket, causing the engine to hydrolock on me. I had access to a parts car with a P79 head, and I had previously removed that head on the off chance I would need one. I just refreshed the P79 so that the down time of taking the old head off would be less, and this N42 head has been in the closet ever since (along with that electric fan, I switched back to the mechanical and shroud at the same time).
  11. If your pipe is too large, it will take you longer to build boost, but if it's too small, you are just making a restriction. I'll see if I can't dig up from somewhere if there is a rule of thumb for tube sizing. My gut reaction is to keep it the same size as the compressor outlet at least to the intercooler, and then use your size changing adapter at the end tank, then use the same size coming out as your throttle body inlet. I think that's gone over in Maximum Boost, I'll have to check when I get home.
  12. I'll see if I can't convince him. Any particular manufacturer/grind I should look at? Keep in mind I'm on the junkyard dog cheap to free plan here...
  13. I've decided on a new direction for my 77 280z, and I owe it all to/blame it all on you guys in the Chevy V-8 board (mostly Grumpy). I was in Orlando visiting an old friend yesterday, and we got to talking about projects. He used to have a 350 powered S-10, but now just has the 350 left over in a closet. I think you can see where this is headed...Anyway, he's going to school at UTI (I still snicker every time I hear that, don't people think about that when they are naming institutions/children/ whatever anymore? When someone tells me about their "Bachelor of Science" or "BS" degree I do the same thing...) and is going to have to rebuild it as part of his curriculum, but he told me that he isn't planning to use it beyond that. And THAT'S what really got the gears turning... So I told you that story, to tell you this one: I ordered my JTR manual last night, just to see what I'm going to be getting myself into here. My tentative plan involves using Megasquirt (already have) to run what will basically be a freshly rebuilt to stock specifications 4-bolt 350, with about 6psi of boost from the garrett t-04 through a Puslar GTi-R intercooler (that I already have-my original plan was to use that or this:https://www.rhdjapan.com/shop/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=527 on my n42/p79 L28). I'd like to use a manual transmission, and I already have a summit 16 gallon fuel cell with the foam installed on the car. I realize there is no real question here, just kind of announcing a new project really, and warning you guys I might come around looking for advice, like what clutch/flywheel/transmission I'm going to need and that sort of thing. I don't know how much of that type of information is in the JTR manual, so I figured I'd wait until I had read through that a few times before I posted some annoying questions. Anyway, thanks for your time!
  14. What "yard" are you going to that doesn't drain the fluids before they put the cars out? Must be a neighbor's yard...heh heh..."nice motor, think I'll take it..."
  15. I guess I'll have to try and get some better pictures then. Does anybody have an unmodified N42 exhuast port picture they could post?
  16. That's what I was thinking, I can't imagine why, because they left a significant ridge at the top of the port...
  17. something I considered VERY hard before I got to building my car was to rivet down sheet aluminum over the whole body and polish it, and do some p-51 mustang style graphics. I've seen that painted/vinyled onto cars before, most notably a drag mustang that I saw in a hot rod type magazine but have been unable to find pictures of on the internet.
  18. Well, now that you know about 50cent, you can take a quick trip back to the mid 90's and see this other piece of crap (relevant to the topic on both fronts, however) released by Master P. You needn't watch the whole thing unless you are a glutton for punishment, the payoff rolls in after the first few seconds...: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GNxPIwrP44
  19. Would that head have been stamped N42, though? The problem with this head is that it has n42 cast right into it, but the ports are most definitely round...
  20. Here's a 1-up for you: This delorean is actually PLATED in 24kt GOLD!!!! http://brandt.kurowski.net/blog/2005/02/
  21. google image search works great for questions like this. These were on the first page of results, and there were more...
  22. That would probably work great until it cooled off and settled out to the bottom...
  23. For the record, NO, I do not want a chrome vehicle, and have never been tempted to do such a thing. Glow in the dark, yes. Chrome, no.
  24. http://www.nissansilvia.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=144260 This one looks like another hit from the land of good taste...
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