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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. Well, what are some non-touristy things to do? See Seattle like the locals! Thanks so far for all the replies, I'm taking notes...
  2. Once you got these out of the gas tank, I bet it helped a lot too: For some reason, I can't find the videos on the website, and the direct links you posted don't seem to be working for me either...
  3. Sigh...There's always ONE in the bunch...Pittsburgh HARDLY counts as the East Coast, that's more like the north-ish area...j/k I've seen them run with the stock motor, it was like the 3tc i think, no? But for every one with the original engine in Florida, there are 4 or 5 with rotaries, sometimes alcohol, sometimes not. Somewhere I've got some pics from an event at Moroso a few years back, and there were like 7 or 8 of those, and only one car still had the original engine in it. We get some funny swaps around here, like the boat motor powered volvo 240 wagon, or the 2.3 turbo powered pinto (also at that event). Oh yeah, and some guy with a toyota T100 that had an RB25det in it.
  4. Along the lines of the insurance racing thing, I heard that Mitsubishi was proactively cancelling warranties on new Evo VIIIs by comparing registered entries in local events to registered owners of new Evo's, and when that person would come in for premature failures of parts, they would be informed that their warranty was void. Mitsubishi denies this, but the article was accompanied by a personal story of a guy who had his stock Evo clutch explode during daily driving, but because he had driven in auto-x event in the car (even though it was all stock), he no longer had a warranty.
  5. I thought that the advantage to using the holset was that it didn't require the use of a modified manifold? I was planning a manifold split in the way you describe, but I was going to be using a Garrett t-04, not a holset. I say was, because now I'm trying to concentrate my energies towards a v-8 conversion.
  6. What's up new guy! The pics didn't work, but that's cool. Search around, there are a ton of ways to make more power (most of which involve ditching the L24 for a larger displacement engine, either L28 or something else all together). Here are some threads I had fun with that have a lot of crazy paint ideas and/or body kit designs. Let me know what you think. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=112218 http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=113774 http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=112661 http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=112698 http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=111961
  7. I don't have a scanner here at work, but I DO have my JTR manual. here is what it says, verbatum: "For the engine to be set back, the stock hood latch bracket and mechanism must be modified to allow clearance for the distributor. Remove the stock hood latch bracket by drilling through the spot welds as shown above. Install the new bracket (page 2-10) so that the top edge of the bracket is 1.12" below the bottom edge of the ledge. Bolt the bracket to the firewall with 1/4" bolts and self-locking nuts. The cowl must be removed for access to the back side of the firewall. Also, the windshield wiper motor should be temporarily unbolted and moved over for access to some of the bolts. This is tedious work, but it only needs to be done once."
  8. Craigslist has a section in the personals called "random encounters" or something like that that is full of stories like this one. Maybe you should check there? Things like "cute asian bartender at Joe's Bar 4 years ago" and stuff like that are pretty common.
  9. Yeah, I was sort of wondering that myself. Maybe he fed it after midnight, and it turned into an Oldsmobile quad 4 and blew up...
  10. So is there anything exciting to do in the Seattle area besides driving to Oregon to hang out with BRAAP and RonTyler and do smoky burnouts on each other's lawns? I'll likely be going there for a weekend in early November with my wife, since she'll be on some kind of job training for two weeks, and I was just curious if anybody had anything to recommend. We like the usual stuff, like shows and museums and underground fight clubs. (well, not the fight clubs, not since the "accident" anyway). Are there whales there that time of year ?
  11. Geothermal heat pump? Are you that close to the earth's magma layer there that you can use such a device? It was my understanding that geothermal energy is used in vocanic areas or other such places where the magma layer is closer to the surface and heats through the ground, is that a possibility for you in Virginia?
  12. I think it would be awesome to do like a Gravedigger type mural all over the car in white retroglo on a white paint job, then when it got dark, your car would be all evil...
  13. I've also seen that video on Youtube, I was looking for videos of the 787 b that featured it doing more than just idling in front of a crowd for minutes at a time, and that turned up. Crazy swap!
  14. Instead of doing all that fabrication, why don't you just go to www.rhdjapan.com and buy this for $650. Can SOMEBODY just buy this thing so I can stop getting distracted from my v-8 plans?document.view.img_.src=imgObj.src;
  15. Most starlets came with the old pushrod toyota 4 cylinders, and they were rear wheel drive, which is why almost every starlet on the East Coast that you (Brandon) or I are likely to see will have a complete RX-7 GLS-LE drivetrain and rear end swap, and will be pulling wheelies through every gear change, and will be running at a drag strip under "El Loco Racing" or something very similar.
  16. That would have to be more RX-8 than I've ever seen in person to beat even a mild 350 swap in a Z. I drove my Aunt's, and it was a blast to hit a cul-de-sac on power, but it wasn't very quick in my opinion. Is this Amir that Jmortensen keeps throwing out the car that Johnc put the 20b motor in? Now THAT would be a fast RX-8! I'm in agreement that the RX-8 is one of the uglier ducklings on the streets these days, but for certain people that just makes building a fast one all the sweeter. The uglier your car, the better the look on the other guy's face. My old 280 was NASTY looking, not in a good way. I had the stock L28 with the stock fuel injection, but the hood that was on the car was bent up from getting stomped on by a horse. I replaced it with a rust oxide primered hood that was pinned on, and NOBODY wanted to race that car. I have to assume it was due to the fact it was loud as all getout, and looked like a serious attempt at a junkyard dog sleeper. Well, one day a guy in a Knight Rider body TA decided he wanted to go, and I ran away from him right from the start. I couldn't believe it. Must have been a 305 model, because my Z was a high 15second car on a good day...
  17. WOW, I hope I'VE got a memory like that when I'm 80. Forget the flares, look a little closer and see that she remembered the roll cage too! What a cool gift that is.
  18. 1986 VW Golf Deisel (white): the mach V 1998 Honda Civic hatchback (red): the mach VI, Valerie 1988 Honda CRX SI (grabber blue): Papa smurf 1978 Datsun 280z (green?): Dottie 2002 Nissan Altima 2.5s (pewter): Nikki 1977 datsun 280z: the ZZZap!
  19. MIA for like 2 months, and that's all we get? College has made you soft, OTM!
  20. Mike, is "hick-a$$" good, or bad? Isn't that carb setup OEM? I think it's pretty awesome that this character managed to get that motor, and get it in as well. I wonder what the story behind that motor being for sale loose was...
  21. veritech-z


    You could start by searching the V8 forums, either the chevy sub-forum or the ford sub-forum. If none of those appeal to you, you could try going through the other engines forum. The drivetrain forum wasn't really the place to post this question, but since you did, I expect this will either get moved to other engines, or possibly the tool shed. While it's still here, mind if I ask why you are stuck on revving high? A lot of people seem to want high revving motors, but can't ever provide satisfactory explanations for it...I blame this on import tuner and Initial D myself...
  22. Hey Dave, how is Australian HP different than other poeple's HP?
  23. I wouldn't do my WHOLE car in retroglo, but they offer it in different colors, and it says it gives you about a 1-1 charge vs glow time, so imagine a white car, with some graphics done in white retroglo. Looks normal during the day, but as soon as the sun goes down, your flames/ghosts/stripes/profanity begin to show up as a spooky phosphorescent light show...
  24. Zeiss, what are you doing for fuel management?
  25. "While you're at it..." You may not need one, but if you get one of those cool remote ones that you hang out front on the bumper, it sure would get you some JDM street cred...Seriously though, if you are that far in with time and money and frustration, I'd do the bare minimum to get it up and running, then worry about little stuff like that later. When you say your turbo is too big for the stock exhaust manifold studs, what exactly are you describing? It weighs too much, or the holes are bigger than the studs-or spaced farther apart? What ECU did you end up with?
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