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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. My car isn't running yet, but once it is, rest assured that I'll be keeping you guys informed!
  2. Well, the motor I'll probably be getting was a carbureted 350, mostly stock, that I'll have to convert to TPI. Is the 305 stuff the same, or do I need to find a TPI 350 to get the manifold and injectors from? Unfortunately for me, this engine was automatic before, so I'll have to find a manual trans and flywheel/clutch as well. I'm still waiting for my JTR manual before I see what all I need to get. I figured outside of the mount kit, as long as I'm junkyard shopping I should be able to come out alright as far as pricing, but I'll need to come up with a list of models that I should look for to get the parts I need. BRAAP did something like what you are going through to an L28, he may know some tricks about how to mount the trigger wheel. Any particular reason you can't mount it to where the distributor used to be, or find a distributor that works like the ZXT unit with a built in wheel?
  3. Yeah, 355 uses a transaxle, I'm not sure that swap would work so well...maybe one of those falconer v-12's? Or if the goal is a ferrari powered ferrari conversion, why not the engine from a front engine rear drive ferrari? *edit* I just realized the question you were actually asking was more of a suspension question, so this thread might have been better if it was started in that particular forum...anyway, I'd say that the early Z could probably be made to handle at least as good as a real GTO would have, possibly better if you knew what you were doing, but as for the how, I'd recommend taking a trip down to the Brakes, wheels, suspension category and doing a few searches, also read all the FAQs pages too, this topic gets asked alot, and has been covered many times.
  4. I hope you find out, this is the route I was hoping to go with my SBC project that I haven't started yet...
  5. Maybe you should check in on a Honda forum for a truly un-biased opinion My vote is for Z track car, bimmer DD. That bimmer will probably get real expensive real quick once you start racing it. I like both cars for racing, but if it was me I'd be tempted to road race the z. Unless you can find an M3 from that year for cheap, those box fender flares were the stuff!
  6. Something you might want to consider is that you are not using a modern head that is designed to work with a flat top piston under boost. Nissan decided to use a dished piston on their turbo blocks, possibly because they had them laying around and needed to put them somewhere, but probably not. Modern combustion chambers are designed to a level that was not possible even 20 years ago, so it's not really fair to look at say a Subaru STI engine and ask why my L28 isn't built like that. I have heard a theory that using a dish piston concentrates the force of the combustion on the piston and not the head, supposedly better for power production and not so hard on head gaskets and fasteners, but I don't remember the specifics well enough to relay it properly. www.theoldone.com has some interesting discussion about chamber design and matching pistons.
  7. N42 blocks had dished pistons as well, from what I understand the N/A F54s had the flat tops.. I'm sure that when the commercial engine rebuilder got their cores back, they just used whatever they had around to get the same results. I've got that same block with a p79 head, and it's a bit sluggish off the line, but has a lot of pull from a roll. I was planning on going turbo, but now I'm pretty sure I'm doing an SBC down the road. *edit* so as an answer to your question, those are dish pistons. A flat top would be exactly that: just a level plane across the top of the piston, while these have a dish in the center. *edit edit* If you are staying NA, you are going to need a bump in compression to get the performance you want. I always see Jmortensen telling people that the MSA cams are pretty small, so maybe you should ask him about what cam choice he would recommend? I understand the stock fuel injection and the height of the valve seals are the limiting factor on the cam lift, but there are ways around that. I know I've skimmed threads about good cam choices for NA, so a quick search should turn up some good results.
  8. so is it running yet, or not quite? I've been curious about your car for a long time. How much does the vehicle weigh now?
  9. Well, even though they weren't burnout videos, I did manage to get some motivation from the BRAAP/RonTyler/myself back and forth in the Myth or Matter of Fact thread in the Lseries forum...I'm hoping to get back running this week if i can, so I can try to attend the Florida Z car show in October. Also a nice talk with my buddy about the final disposition of his extra 5.7 chevy was helpful... http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=114696 here were some highlights: BRAAP's 440 z RonTyler's SBC? Z: BRAAP's buddy's Olds: 440z again: Mrs.BRAAP's new RV: some french guy I found on the net: Even Silent came out to play on this one (I'm convinced that's Tyrone Biggums on the left-google image him if you don't know who that is-)
  10. So there's no way around having to run pre-mix? What is your plan for that, to just get 2-cycle oil and put it in the tank, or are you going to use regular motor oil? I'm not really clear on why you have to remove the metering pump, just because without the stock ecu you have no way to control it? Why won't a US spec turbo II ecu work? I guess once that turbo gets some miles on it and the clearances start to go, it would feed some oil in there for you...(j/k)
  11. We talked about another solution to that problem on this thread here: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=114051 It involved drilling the control arm and busthing to accept zerg fittings, which would allow you to grease the bushings with a grease gun the same way you would do your ball joints or any other suspension point. It's got pics as well.
  12. So nobody ever found some video of this car?
  13. HF crx was a wierd car. Roller rockers, multiport fuel injection, 1700lb curb weight, and only 8 valves-50 flywheel hp. Honda, what will they think of next? I don't know if a turbo is really going to increase your mileage...If you are looking for engine mods that increase bsfc, look here:www.theoldone.com. Read all the articles he's got about swirl port combustion and "soft head" technology. You either declare shenanigans or come away feeling like you just joined a cult...Granted it's mostly honda stuff, but the theory shouldn't be limited to just that application. I'd love to hear what some old-timers like Grumpyvette or Dr. Hunt have to say about this guy and his ideas.
  14. That id is the gift that will keep on giving! Trust me, just print that out and glue it over your old id, and you'll thank me for years to come!
  15. Everything I know about the birds and the bees I learned from south park...
  16. One more year and you'll be able to buy spraypaint and Sharpies at Wal-Mart! Oh, and vote, too.
  17. This one looks BAD. I'm sure it's fixable, but is that repair going to come to less than half of the blue book value? I really doubt it...Anybody esle think otherwise?
  18. I'm just going to have to take better photos I guess. Is there anything in particular that would be helpful? The cam, anything?
  19. For some reason the pics don't work...Do you know what the stated value of your car is, though? If the insurance is going to total it, I'd bet you could probably find another 81, possibly even a turbo in decent shape for not too much. Some people really like them, but enough people are indifferent to them that they aren't really commanding premium prices yet. Sorry to hear about your accident though, I hope you're alright?
  20. Aw man, you're going to get me in trouble! You know you love it!
  21. I got you a new look to match your car! Maybe this year is the year that sweet 'stache will finally come in... I can see the resemblance...
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