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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. Terry, here it is. I've thought long and hard on what you need to do, and I've come up with this: What you really need is a place to hang that Aristo motor, so you now have to pony up and get the 2kGT for that purpose. Like these guys: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=111541&highlight=2000gt
  2. Hey Tony, I'd like to see the picture of the OS car if you could still find it? (actually all of them, I love that kind of stuff! Anecdotes are so much fun...)
  3. Flames, what girl are you seeing? I'm seeing just turbo and dudes...
  4. he's probably going to need a whole STACK of energion cubes...
  5. Yes, you need about 1.5" hub adapters to make those fit properly. Find out what the lug pattern is on the wheels you are ordering, and then have your adapters made to go from 4X114.3 to whatever the wheels turn out to be. I prefer the look of low offset wheels on a Z, if I were in a position to get wheels again I'd make sure that they fit without adapters...
  6. I would LOVE to see some video of that...I would LOVE to HEAR some audio of that... I'd say gigantor turbo engine=$30k custom paint job=$4k rusty ass oem master cylinder=priceless
  7. It can be done without pulling the engine, but it was a GIGANTIC pia on my car. I used the uerethane ones that came with my ES bushing kit. You can take the straps off the top (the bolts come out from the bottom), and then yank the old ones out with some locking pliers. Then you have to try and get the new ones to fit under the rack (this may or may not turn out to be easier from the bottom) and once you put the top on in, you are home free. Just crank the bolts in, and be on your way. Mine took longer than I thought they would...
  8. veritech-z

    1st Post

    If you want the pedal box for the purposes of adding a clutch pedal, you only need to get the pedals, they come out individually. The automatic pedal box has a provision for the clutch pedal to be added in, and if you are too lazy to switch the brake pedal out, you can just cut off the part that interferes with the clutch pedal with a cutoff wheel or something, and then put aftermarket pedal covers on. Nobody will ever know (unless you post it on the internet for all to see...Doh!)
  9. Jon, what tranny are you using?
  10. I've got one in my closet, but I don't have a manifold to make it work on yet...
  11. Until now, that's the only one I've ever heard of as well. Somebody has one for sale in the classifieds here on hybridz.
  12. Thanks Memegtr, I wish I could take a better picture of the artwork on it. For some reason I can't get it to show up the way I want it to with this camera. I just ordered a Nikon D80, so hopefully I'll finally be able to take real pictures again soon...
  13. Jerry, you guys build some rediculous cars! (in a good way!) Almost makes me want to start drag racing...
  14. Run a search for AWD 240z, and you will get some interesting hits. There is a link to a black skyline drivetrain s30 that is awd that I've posted before (although I wasn't the originator, I too found it while searching). There is not much more info than a scan of a Japanese magazine article, but it has some pics, and proves it has been done. I'm sorry to hear about your father though. As for a build plan, I'm about to start one of those myself. I've got a deal with my wife where if I put together a list of things I want for the car, I can just check them off for presents and so forth, but it has to be on the list so there aren't any surprises. I'm just trying to make a decision on drivetrain, and whether I need a g-nose or not...
  15. I did have one girlfriend that was extremely impressed at my ability to hotwire the car to get us home from the movies on time when my iginition switch died on us... Also, my wife has a friend (coincidentally blonde) that likes to ride in it because she like to smell like gasoline, she says...
  16. I bet it would make a good motor for an air boat...
  17. I forgot about the AZC manifold...Now that you reminded me of that, I remember that I even emailed them asking about availability, and they told me to keep checking back, but I lost interest and didn't bother. Ah memories..
  18. Looks like you'll be taking one for the team on this one. I don't know anything about that particular tranny or the swap, so I won't offer you an opinion on it's viability. This is more of a performance oriented forum, so that's probably why nobody knows much about it, since even you seem to think it's not very heavy duty. I think people were trying to give advice thinking you wanted to beef up your trans, not just get better cruising rpms..
  19. This really hasn't been my experience as a multiple Z owner, but I'm glad it's working out for somebody! I guess it probably helps if you have some interior, and not so much in the way of "nature's weight reduction" on the floors...
  20. Click on the link in post #75. I also found a FC3S turbo II and a Lancia Delta that would be really great if they were available...
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