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Everything posted by Gcontrol

  1. Thats impressive Filmjay..Are those L92 heads stock or ported? Do you mind sharing your cam specs with us??
  2. They all look the same to me but they are clocked differently. All ZX turbos came with internal waste gate. 81-83 280zx and 84 300zx were oil cooled only.What are the numbers on the compressor and the turbine?
  3. I like the gold.. How much those wheels would cost?
  4. What you waiting for then? post some pictures..hurrrrrrry lol.
  5. I have owned a 85 z31 turbo since 95 and i love it.
  6. more info here.. http://www.5speedtransmissions.com/6_speed.html
  7. how was the flow compared to stock manifold?
  8. Any one using L92 heads on their 6.0L engine?
  9. sorry douplicate. please delete. Thanks
  10. Would it be possible to fab something for the rack and pinion and lower it a bit?? If so, how much extra room would you gain?
  11. Looks great! very inspiring. Well done. needs better wheels though. Any plans for new set of wheels?
  12. Looks great! Who made the intake manifold?
  13. I hope this would help! http://www.zhome.com/ZCMnL/tech/su.html
  14. What do you mean by too much attention?? What are the issues that you have with the flywheel?
  15. Those are old style centerline billet wheels. scorpion maybe!!
  16. These guys sell 205-60-14 as low as $40 a piece! No sure how much it would cost to ship though! http://www.onlinetires.com/user/vehicle/tires/allbrands.html
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