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Everything posted by mason4300

  1. Ah, darn, I thought this was about jacking the car up. Well, I guess this is as good as any place to ask; Where is the best place to put jack stands on a 1978 280z? First time I put them where previous idiots had put them on the bottom of the side trim, effectively smashing the hell out of it, so it wasn't a big deal to put it there for a minute as it was already smashed. But in the future, i'd much rather put jack stands in the proper place, if there is any. I did a search on this too, but couldn't find anything.
  2. they are stars, or suns. same difference
  3. yeah, thats much nicer looking. I see he also has one of those Pantera hatches, those are pretty cool. Great for looks, terrible waste of space.
  4. Yeah, I have a subscription, interesting and useful concept. It reminds me of Back to the Future 2, when Doc is dumping trash into that thing he got installed on the Delorean when he went to the future.
  5. Not enough time?! What the hell kind of business takes your money then tells you they don't have enough time to fix their mistakes? (Well, ok, a lot, but still...) How rediculous is that? You should go down there at night with a can of gasoline and a lighter, then at least they'd have an excuse for not being able to fix their mistakes...stuff like that ticks me off, sorry. (In case the mods here are really strict about stuff like what I just said, here's my disclaimer; I wasn't serious about burning the shop down... )
  6. Mm, thank you, it would've sucked to have all the requests deleted...
  7. Man, i'd sue them anyway, just because they refuse to repaint it, even if I decided I wanted to keep it that color after all.
  8. yeah, I saw your badges there, very nice work. You should make a bunch of those and sell 'em on ebay.
  9. ok, goodish news. I've finished my summer course, so I'll be at home all day for a week as far as I know, which means the time it takes to finish the webpage will decrease drastically, and I'll be able to finally get to work on some of the requests I've gotten.
  10. augh! If I can ever get all the crap I have going on taken care of, I'll try and make up some decent concept chops for you
  11. oooh...bastard. There are a few jacka$$es like that in my town, but my dad almost always goes to court over crap like that, and he gets the cops to back off. Of course, he knows all the city officials by working with them occasionally, so its a bit easier for him, cause they all know my dad isn't an idiot driver. I hope you can get this taken care of man, good luck to you.
  12. I'd Go for the black and silver, its a great combination if you do it right. Lots of dark blue Z's out there.
  13. If I were going to put that stripe on it, it'd run from the nose to the rear. I always liked silver stripes on black cars, but i'm not big on that layout there. Your car though, do what you like.
  14. My brother just left at 5:00 this morning and headed to the airport to get back to North Carolina after visiting home for two weeks on leave, and he'll be shipping out soon for his 3rd tour of duty. He helped me do some work on my Z while he was here, so I hope that counts. He's in the Marines.
  15. heh, maybe if I refer you to my grandpa there, he'll give you a discount on something. He builds motors and hotrods. Want a(nother?) Chevy?
  16. Very cool. And can I say Holy Sh*t! My home town is Redding! How's it going?
  17. I agree. I love clean, good looking, red Z's.
  18. mason4300


    Dang, I don't have TV (waste of time and money. Buy the good shows on dvd) So as some people have mentioned i'm sure, is there any way to get a link to a recording of the show? Edit: just saw it mentioned 2 posts above me that yes, someone will. duh!
  19. Funny that you mention it, I actually sold mine a few months ago. It was in pretty rough condition, and I decided I wanted a Z. It would've been a cool car. Sold it for 100 bucks to some guy on Ebay, full of a ton of parts; deal of a lifetime for him. I got the thing for free, and I wanted it out of our driveway, and he had to pick it up, so it was a pretty sweet deal for me, too. Oh, and that Hemi Sprite is frickin insane! I'd drive it.
  20. Chicago...How far is that from Detroit? If I end up going to college in Detroit when I get out of high school, maybe i'll come and see your cars. I like all kinds of cars too, Ferraris are just one of my favorites
  21. Oh wow, an Enzo? that'd be cool. Its great to meet another Ferrari fanatic. alothough, since I can't build my own Ferrari replicas, I just collect models and all that stuff.
  22. and we have a relatively small sun compared to other stars in the galaxy and universe! Edit: oh, I see someone expanded on those pictures. I've seen the original ones consisting of our solar system, but never ones with added stars. Cool. See what i'm talking about, though?!
  23. hmm. those look sorta cheapo depot, but it could probably be done with nicer products than trailer lights. Go for it. I saw some thread where a guy took Skyline lights and made up his own housing for them, it looked pretty badass, as far as the lights go. I'd do something like this myself, but when I bought my car it already had custom light thingies that don't look too bad.
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