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Everything posted by Yorgee

  1. Thanks Bill, hopefully come next year I won't have to build something like that to win =). But if some of you guys decide to make your own grills as well, fell free to post up your progress here as well.
  2. Those pictures, parts all seperated, don't do your car any justice. I can't wait to see everything put together and running man. I guess I'll have to make sure and go to your house when ever I can to help you speed up the process ha ha. I still can't believe how big that intake is, its going to look pretty sick. congrats on the progress.
  3. Hey, I've got the same engine but with dual down draft carbs, that used to happen to my car as well. The car would just suddenly die as I slowed down. For me, it was just a carburator adjustment. And the whole smell of gas thing, I think that happens to everyone.
  4. Hahaha, thats a noble, and yeah it has that double wing. It reminds me of the CLK-GTR. It looks bad ass. Those two cars side by side are the same thing.
  5. No problem guys, but I'm really not sure what the people do afterwards. I'm sure most hurry home considering some of their cars arent even street legal.... But none the less, I'm sure some of them have some fun on the freeway. If any one wants some info on the location of the meet, http://maps.google.com/maps?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&channel=s&tab=wl&q=irvine%20spectrum%20CA There is the map of the location. You have to exit the 5 freeway on Alton Pkwy, then a right on Premier this streets makes a loop into Gateway Blvd. The meet happens next to a Mazda main office building, in their parking lot. Now that they finished a huge parking lot on the other side of the street, we don't have to park along Premier and Gateway.
  6. This car meet is held every Saterday from 7am- 9am pretty much right next to the Irvine spectrum. I got a chance to go this morning and took some pictures. Thought I'd share. http://www.geocities.com/yorgola555/carsandcoffee.html
  7. I didnt think the transmission and differential would wieght more than the engine though.
  8. No problem, well they do say in the video that the engine takes up 1/5 of the cars wieght. Maybe something else in the design towards the rear accounts for the rest. Still hard to imagine though..
  9. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2340551138694118409&q=ferrari+599+duration%3Along Very interesting stuff...I didn't think ferrari would allow video footage of something like this.
  10. aim : xm3nace2soci3tyx googletalk : wutaboutheranger@gmail.com name : Jorge
  11. Thanks Doughnut, and Daeron, didn't see any dark bronze color spray paint where I usualy purchase the paint I get but now you got me wanting something like that. I guess for now I'll have to settle for black and I'll think about changing it later.
  12. hahaha, thanks man. Now that you mention it, It does look like I could have tossed some burgers on that thing.
  13. Hmm, not sure about silver although that would definitly make it stand out but I am considering getting it powder coated. I found a place near my house I just have to check it out. I'll probably get some valve covers power coated.
  14. So I finally got my grill mounted on my car. I started working on it during sprink break and then couldn't find the time to work on it as I was going to school. But it's mounted and I think it looks pretty good, except for the fact that it is a little hard to see. I'm probably going to respray it flat black to make it a dull color, because it might better contrast against the radiator and everything behind it. O ya, Turbomeister, I was wondering if you could send me a picture of your inverted horns, I tried doing that but they dont seem to fit right.
  15. It's all about when the third car tail taps the wall...
  16. Very nice Justin, I should have went with you...stupid work. But I mean..usualy men are trying to in their heads remove articles of clothing when it comes to those import models. And here you are making them put on a sweater lol and covering them all up.
  17. I actually built a speaker box for my 240z but I'm not planning on using it anymore. If you need some ideas on how to make it, I have some pics.
  18. hmm, I did drop my car, would the horns be too low? I have a bunch of speed bumps in my community.
  19. thanks Jbk, Here's the semi finished product without any of the brakets. I also played around with several positions of where the grill was going to go, hooked it up with some zip ties, and I think it is going to look sweet. I may have to do a little cutting though. The center braket where the old grill went is blocking the bottom of the grill I made. I think I'm just going to cut that one off and move it back. That will allow me to lean the grill just right, and even out the line from the hood and the top of the grill.
  20. I wish I could weld alluminum, that would be a lot lighter.
  21. Yeahhh, that's one thing I noticed as I was welding on each bar. It's definitly going to wiegh more than the original when it's done. The orignal is made with a very thin metal. But the one I'm making is going to be very durable.
  22. Some of you guys have some sick interiors. Here's mine.
  23. The new grill is going to mount on the same mounts as the original. I'm just going to push the grill forward a little with some spacers so that its almost touching the bumper. Then if all goes well, the bumper will end almost touching my front air dam so you won't be able to see the horns and the harness as much as you could now. Just picture the grill extended all the way down.
  24. I have the stock bumpers that I fabricated also. Got rid of the holes , primed, and painted. Here's a pic.
  25. sand blast? I was just thinkin of grinding and Then some flat black spray paint haha. Same color as my bumpers. And definitly take advantage of all that machinary if you take that class Mopar.
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