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Everything posted by Yorgee

  1. There was probably research, I hope, done before putting those roll bar in the market. There had to have been, or else there would be nothing but law suites involved if they were "unsafe".
  2. Yes, I've been doing all my welding with one since I got it. Thanks though for all the input. I'm definitely going to research some places and get the correct DOM tubing bent. As long as its cheaper than 300 bucks ill definitely do it. If it is more expensive, I'll just go with the MSA roll bar. It will be easier now because I can just take what I have made and have someone copy the bends with the right kind of tubing. The problem with bolting/welding to the chassis, is that for the pipe to be in the correct angle, I've noticed that you would have to cut into the fender walls, and I'm really not looking to do so. Especially if I am planning on making it removable. I also really want to try and track/auto cross my car, so if installing it is going to disqualify me from entering any events, It's not going to hold me back. Thanks again.
  3. Hmmm, really?? I believe the MSA and Autopower Roll bars are mounted in the same area? I could be mistaken though but thats what I remembered. Yeah, found this picture with an MSA roll bar mounted. Which is what I was basing mine off of. If those mounting points are unsafe, they shouldn't be selling those in the first place. That is strange.
  4. I do believe the welds are definitely strong...the same welds are holding up my car. And if i did get hit or hit something at speeds to break those welds, I'd have to worry about other things hitting me in such a fragile car, the other car or what ever I hit for example.
  5. Yorgee

    O2 Bung

    Just make sure to locate it in an area that is reading the mixture from all exhaust ports. I located mine in the collector of the header. At least, this is what I was told when I was installing mine.
  6. But then he would have to spend time and money getting a new dash/dash cover to make it look just as good. Keep the dash, nice find.
  7. Thanks for your criticism Jmortensen, I really didn't know much of the rules or regulations of a general strut bar. I was just experimenting and I had no real way of bending a pipe in that manner. It's completely removable which is a good thing. I just don't like buying stuff I could make, but since I probably can't make one properly, might have to head towards that direction.
  8. Yes, but the width is what I'm talking about; Only seven inches. Whole reason why I went with the sportmax, 8 inch rim. Only an inch bigger, but it makes a difference.
  9. That's true, I'm looking to get new rims and powder coat them that exact color. Too bad the rewinds only go 15 x 7. Need a fatter rim than that. Plus it would make them looks a more like watanabes too. When you don't have 2k to spend on rims.
  10. Rear tire, no way a rewind could meet the ZG flare that nicely.
  11. Hey, thanks Bo, it has been a while. I saw the pictures of your engine bay at Matt's house, it looks cleannnn. It's a bummer someone had to hit you on the freeway though :/.
  12. Nice, looks really clean. I need to do the same thing, I've gone some primer all over one of my window trims. Even looks like you used some one your paint as well, looks shiny and the greenish paint is gone as well.
  13. Best bet would be to double check all the connections. Clutch slave to the pedal, check the lines to the clutch slave. Might even have to check inside the transmission to make sure the fork and bearing are o.k. as well. Not much can go wrong with the clutch. Just need to study it a little.
  14. Those are definitely not rewinds. Look at the rear lip. If those were rewinds, I would have picked up a set for myself a long time ago. I really want those JDM fender mirrors too.
  15. Definitely check for leaks. I was helping my buddy with his car and his clutch peddle was really soft. turned out there was a leak in one of the lines. You could see bubbles coming out from it.
  16. I'll make you a deal, when I hear your car running, we can build you a strut bar =). Probably have to change up my design quite a bit to make room for your intake too...
  17. Finally got around to designing my front strut bar after making my rear one a while back. Got some ideas from you guys on hybrid, pulled out the welder and the ideas started flowing. Think it came out pretty good. After I finished the strut bar I decided to go ahead and fab up a roll bar. I was planning on just buying the MSA street roll bar but then I found some nice 90 degree bends and decided to try and make my own. First I just made the cross bar and thought it was a little too simple, and decided to add 2 more bars connecting to the fire wall, kind of like the pdk roll bar set up. Still have to sand the strut bar down and paint it, same with the roll bar, needs another coat and still needs to be installed.
  18. Just remember, if you do decide to change your fenders, I've got 2 perfect ones in my shed. And if you need help fixing whatever else that needs fixing, just let me know. Oh, and I'll keep an eye out for those turn signal lights.
  19. No prob Matt, Your car was practically done, and about to get that thing dynoed. It's a shame that had to happen. It was one of those surreal moments your not sure actually happened when you look back on it, but I think your car will be back up and running in time for the movie. Luckily there was no traffic and we both got out of it ok. I still can't believe I got out of my car, in the car pool lane, and ran after your wheel Haha.
  20. true...but that would stick the rims out even farther depending on how thick the wheel adapter is. Wouldn't really look right.
  21. I saw a set of rims at the LA auto show on display that I thought would be perrrfect for a 240z but it turns out they are only making them in 4 x 100 ball pattern. Hopefully they change it later. http://www.axiswheels.com/wheels.php?id=racer-x I think they look pretty decent, and with a negative 27 offset...perfect for fender flares.
  22. Looks nice, but it says it can only withstand up to 15 psi, you would need it to withstand more than that for Fuel Injection.
  23. That looks like a pretty good set up, looks like an oil filter with some fittings. Won't need as many external filters either but probably still a good idea to put one after that filter or before.
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