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Everything posted by Yorgee

  1. I drove my car to school this morning, got out of class an hour later, drove to cosco to get something to eat. Car was running fine. But when I went to start it up and head home, it started but then slowly stopped idling as I pulled out of the parking spot. Then my car did not want to start. It cracks and everything so I know its not the battery. The wierd thing is, if i pull the choke cable all the way the car starts up so I know its not the fuel pump. But as soon as I put the choke down and engine just dies. What do you guys think is the problem.
  2. First of all, I want to thank the people who I had seen doing this before me or else I would have never thought of it. I saw people filling in their bumper holes where the gaurds used to go, and I thought I'd give it a try because these clips I had put in just weren't cutting it. The process took me about two weeks(because of school and all) but the sanding did take up most of the time. Filling the holes wasn't too hard. I tacked a few washes behind the hole, welded the top part till the hole was covered, grinded all the excess off until it was flush and then filled the remaining holes with bondo. After all that tedious sanding, It was ready for some primer. So I hung it up in my backyard with a few bungee cords and started spraying. It really did come out better then I expected.
  3. ohhh thats sexy. I need some of those headlights. I have to drive with my high beams on all the time so I can see at night. Very nice car though. (as borat would say....ITS NIIIIIICE)
  4. Thanks Davy, I might try out your idea with some of the interior panels I'm going try making since I have so much of the board material left and seeing as how the inside of the z cars are pretty rounded, I will need to make a lot of bends with it. I never thought of wetting it. Even though the people said it was water proof.
  5. I finally got a chance to try and put one of the doorpanels on. I think it looks pretty good besides the fact that I ran into a little problem. You were right Davyz, about the whole curve in the door. I actually just decided to dremal ( think thats how you spell it) a line on the backside of the doorpanel so that when I put the door handle, it would bend. It kind of worked but then I ran into another problem and ended up with some wrikles under the doorhandle as you can see in the picture. After I some clips to hold the corners down, I'm hoping to get rid or those wrinkles. Oh ya, those are some nice speaker boxes 280zforce. I wish I could have made some of those. All I had was a home theater sub I found in the trash and some speakers =). haha. Still works though. If you decide to make doorpanels, they'll look sick.
  6. Yeah, I know what you mean Davy but I'm hoping the material is flexable enough to form to the door once I put the armrest and everything else. Then using clips to hold down the edges, I think it will be alright. But I'm going to try to mount them this weekend. So I'll find out soon enough and keep you guys posted.
  7. I'm the kind of guy that doesn't really like buying a lot of things brand new. I'd rather find stuff at the junk yard or something, dust it off and make it good as new. But when it comes to door panels, you can't do the same. So I just decided to make my own. Found a good fabric place pretty close to my house and they happend to sell some nice waterproof doorpanel material. The process of making the door panels was a little frustrating but I can't complain with the results. Making your own door panels is something everyone should consider (if you need them that is). Just thought I might share.
  8. I think I have that same head, besides those inserts in the exhaust holes.
  9. haha jigga wuttttt. that is quite the funnnyyyy
  10. The other day my dads friend gave us this ignition switch and said he pulled it out of a 240z. Since it was in better shape than the one that I had in my car, I told my dad we could just swap it then sell ours. So we took the time to encode the ignition to the key we had. But when we went to mount it on the steering column, the ignition did not fit. So now im stuck with it and I have no idea what car it belongs to. And seeing as how I'm planning on selling it,I think it would help if I could state what car it goes to. So here's a couple pictures. If anyone knows I would appreciate a response.
  11. ya thanx AE2...I hated how the sportmax centercaps looked so I pulled out a hack saw and cut off the lip, filed it smooth and bought some Z decals on ebay.
  12. oo alright. Thanks z_cars I appreciate it.
  13. Finally got some rubbers. I went with 225/50/15 Falkens all around. They are a lot thicker than the tires I had on before which is what I wanted. They fit just right. O ya....does anyone know what the rims on the right are from. I think they are from the 280zx's but I'm not sure.
  14. Wow...nicely written Muspuppis. I know I can say that cuz I actually read the whole thing. Good read. Now if I could only write like that on my essay due tomorrow....
  15. No, but I believe I'm like 30 minutes away. I'm Located in Irvine.
  16. Careless, they are zero offset. When I mounted the rim it seemed pretty flush with body so I'm not sure if I will need flares. But I was thinking about getting some wheel spacers to push the rim out some more.
  17. oh I know...definitily would look a lot cleaner with some kinda cover but I mean, it looks alright so I was just thinking if I ever came across something to cover it with I would. But ya, they are just something else my dad took out of another mazda car they were gonna crush at his work. I just bolted it right where the old ones went and they came out pretty cool. thnx for the reply
  18. * new pics * Been working on my car and installed some new retractable seat belts, steering wheel, and I got a new exhaust put in for 100 bucks. check it out. http://www.geocities.com/yorgola555/240zproject.html And I've been shopping around for tires and would like to know of the best size to fit 15 x 8's and to also have that nice stretch look. I was going to go with 225/50/15's but not a lot of places carry that size.
  19. thats not bad at all.. post some pics when ya mount em
  20. Damn...those are pretty nice, how much did they run ya? I kno what you mean about the datsun mirrors man...they're pretty expensive.
  21. oo those are miata seats? thats what I took out of my car. They were all cut up.
  22. I tried selling some parts on ebay but they didnt attract any buyers since I'm looking for local ones...Shipping would probably be a pain. But I've got some parts that maybe someone in the So Cal area is interested in. They are all in pretty good shape. The passenger side door is missing the glass and the window regulator is all tweaked but the driver side is complete. So if you have any questions feel free to ask.
  23. It's nice to see that it's not always about cars in here .
  24. Ya I was thinkin about doing that...because they have another set up camber plates but they are the weld on type and I'm a little iffy about the weld i have. But thanks jmortensen...I think I'll just contact techno toy tuning to see if they have any bolt ons or sumthing.
  25. I came across a pair of camber plates on ebay and was wondering if they would fit on a 240z. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Nissan-240sx-S13-S14-CAMBER-PLATES_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33581QQihZ010QQitemZ200013039806QQrdZ1
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