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Posts posted by gjc5500

  1. i read that to run a blow thru on a carb requires you to equalize the fuel bowl and the intake pressure. i have duel weber dgv carbs on a 73 240z. i noticed today that from the top of the carb i can see straight to the fuel bowl. if i were to run a box ontop of the 2 carbs(like the aircleaner box, but covers both carb tops), would it pressureize the fuel bowls enuff to keep the air from running back?

  2. ok, i wanna keep my original tranny. will that work? if so, will my speedo still be the same. the guages aare OK and im gonna get a good boost guage. prolly ount where my cig lighter was(its dead and i dont use it)


    i like the guages that are in there and i dont really feel like pulling the dash(its already cracked and i dont want ot risk breaking it further)


    will this be fine?

  3. i dont wanna do a full swap cuz all the vins match as of now, and to swap is gonna b a lil more pricey. seeing as how im still in high skool and cant get a full time job, im trying to go with the cheaper of the 2. also, will a L28 turbo exhaust fit on a L24?

  4. 3K is a lil out of my price range. and i know about chaning the CR. thats y im going w/ a low comp head, and low comp pistons. i mite still do draw thru, but i wanna no about that box. ive seen ti w/ and w/o.

  5. i was just saying that style, not that particular one. i wont put moving parts on my car from ebay (leaned the hard way)


    and i thot about all of that. i was just wondering if it was too samll or big for the l24. i know that u have to drop ur comp ratio b4 u add a turbo, so im going w/ low comp head/pistons. while i have the engine apart im gonna replace the whole shaft, pistons, con. rods ect. with turbo parts. i know that i have to increase fuel.


    and which is better to do, ive seen it 3 ways: carbs>turbo>intake mani, turbo>carbs>mani, turbo>carbs in a sealed box(saw it on a link on zcar.com).


    and can u mount ne turbo like a STS? i know that u have to run a seperate oil pump since its such a far distance.

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