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Posts posted by gjc5500

  1. I SEARCHED already and found nothing.


    When i fill up my tank I get pretty bad gas fumes in the car for about 2-3 days. I need to change my hatch seals, but i dont think thats where the smell is comming from. I did a sonic leak test and the only hole was on the driver side, but the smell is on the passenger side. I dont know where to start looking for vent lines.

  2. I have searched around on here and on google to find some info about them. i found info for the tripples but not for the twin dgv. does anyone know where i can get some information on the weber dgv twin 2barrel downdrafts?


    I mostly want to know CFM and jetting info.


    thx in advance

  3. Um. if its for EFI then it prolly runs off the TPS to activate it. Just off the top of my head, it shoudl work if you can get the activation figured out. Also, where would you put the fogger? The 240 has 2 seperate intake runners. So in theory, you would need at least 2 foggers or run the 1 in your aircleaner box( not sure how well that would work).

    food for though

  4. Me and my dad were having a discusstion(sp) and we started talking about exhasts. I want to cut off my muffler till i can get some cash for a new exhaust system(no job). he thinks that cutting off the muffler will cause the exhaust fumes to get trapped under the car and get into the car causing health hazard. Will this happen if I cut it about 3 inches back from the muffler?

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