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Everything posted by 260zShooter

  1. If the engine is out and on a stand, I put in a few flywheel bolts and wedge a pry bar or lug wrech in between. this wil lock down agaist the arms of the engine holder. This way your only holding the crank. Has worked every time for me.
  2. I think someone touched on this. How a cheaper rear disc brake conversion bracket for S30's.
  3. I'm building a 74 260Z convertible with a fiberglass tilt fron end. The back end is also fiberglass and resembles a vet. I purchased my RB25 from JDMEnginsCorp in Richardson about a month ago. Planning on using McKinney Motorsport mounts for enging and trams. I would like to us a Greddy or similar intake and probably an HKS exhaust. I have not decieded on my fuel management system as of yet. What are you guys using? Right now, I'm just waiting for this heat to break. It's too hot to get out there and do anything.
  4. How many North Texas RB conversions are out there. Were are you located?
  5. They were all made interal from 1978 and on.
  6. How about some pics of that 910?
  7. I got on through Courtesy Nissan in Richardson TX last week. It only took 4 days to get it.
  8. I paid about $185.00 for the pan, pick up tube, and O-ring.
  9. I got mine through Courtesy Nissan. Pick it up today. Took about 4 days.
  10. I was going to buy from Karim [thank for all your help], but while looking thru Ebay I came across another JDM dealer. After some investigating, I discovered they were local, Richareson TX. I called them for a quote and was told $2300 plus shipping. When I told him I could pick it up he offered it to me for $2200. I would have certainly bought one from Racer98, but I had my choice of 15 RB25's and 6RB26's. Look the up JDMEnginesCorp.com . I pick up my motor an hour ago. Motor is clean, has complete wiring harness [ucut], ECU, AC, power steering, Alt. Nothing was missing or broken. I would highly recomend this place. JDM Engines Corp 1331 Echange Dr Richardson, Tx 75081 Local 972-234-2500 Tol Free 877-364-9100 Please use my name a referal, Joe Barta
  11. you need a rear sump to fit in a 71 240z. Look for a 200ZR. The part number are found in the How to install RB Sticky.
  12. They actually have a warehouse full of new aftermarket parts. Their supply of JDM engines is very limited.
  13. I found out Saturday from another JDM dirstibutor in Dallas that is is possible that the engine may be stuck in customs. Reguardless, JazzPro is jerking you around by not giving you any assistance or striaght answers. I would check to see if you can reverse the charges on you credit card or with PayPal.
  14. I have visited this place a couple of times. Its not easy to find. The first couple of times they were very nice and showed me around. The last time I was there, they acted more surpised that a walk up customer had come to their door. I was inquiring about an RB25. They imiadiatly demanded at least 50% of the price to even look at their motors. I told them that I wasen't going to buy anything with checking it out first. After a little prodding they informed me that they didn't keep their RB engines at that location. So I asked where I could see them. I was told that all their RB eingines are in their warehouse in Canada. They would ship it to me as soon as I paid for a least half. I left shortly there after. Another thing, they quoted me one price over the phone, but when I showed up at their location the price had risen $700-900 depending if I wanted an R33 or R34. Needless to say I took them off my shopping list. Good luck on your order. If it were me I would cancel it if all possible. Look under group buys on this site. Find the thread with Racer98, he'll give a good price.
  15. I got one at the pick and pull with half shafts for $75.
  16. We've only had the Ethanol blend in Dallas, Tx for a couple of years now. Gas milage sucks and power is down. Oh yea it gets better, the price of oil has just gone over $140 a barrel. Great.
  17. I have a really nice 71 240Z. It has one of the nicest bodies I have ever seen. Can't say that it is 100% rust free, but its pretty darn close.It has been on a rotisserie for the last two years. Its rust free now because the floors pans have been replaced. I originally bought this car as a rolling chassie. the previous owner had already gutted it and put it in primer. One problem, he failed to pull the jute padding up off the floors and it appears that they got wet by way of a leaky tarp. You can guess the rest, rust put pin hole and even some large ones all over. Got a hold of Charlie Osborn and purchase a set replacement floor's and rails. Floors went in last winter. The rotisserie really made this job easier. So here's my delima, I currently have four S30's, a Nissan Crew Cab, a Honda Prelude, and a Saturn SC2. The 74 convertible and the 76 and 77 are much either daily drivers or close to it. And now I have a code inforcement officer riding me to clean up my yard. The 75 and 77 are my son's cars,and he'll take care of those. My heart is with the 74 convertible, So this leaves the 71 out. All the suspension has been glass beaded and painted. The crossmembers have also been redone. I have the dash and wiring harnesses. I even have a spare engine and tranny to go with it. The rotisserie goes too. Any body in North Texas or anywhere else interested. I'll consider all reasonable offers. I can post pick if interested. This car would make Mull jealous.
  18. The product is called Metal 2 Metal. It is an alluminum poly blend and is very strong. We did an experment with Bondo and Metal 2 Metal. We mixed up a batch of both and made it into the shape of a Baby Ruth cand bar. When dry, you could take the Bondo stick and just snap it half. The Metal 2 Metal could not be broken. We finaly put it in vise and hit it with a sledge hammer to break it. It is however a bit harder to sand than bondo.
  19. Museum quality. I don't think so. For that price I would have expect a new dash, not capped. The steering wheel is not from that model, and did you notice the repaired crack on the center console. Not to mention the screws drilled through to hold the choke cable lever. On a scale of 1-10, I'd give the interior a 7. I can only imagine what the bottom and suspenion looks like. Defintly not a $15K car.
  20. You may also have some sort of contamination between the nozzle and sleeve. The nozzle is the part that drops down when the choke lever is pulled. The sleeve is the piece that the nozzle slides up and down in. You have to do a little disassembly to get these two pieces apart. I have used 0000 grade steel wool a carb cleaner as a rinse to clean these brass parts. These pieces should move very smooth and easally. Some Brasso will work too. You may also want to make sure that your needles are not bent. They should drop directly in the nozzles with no binding. No lubrication should be used on these parts. It will only allow dust and dirt to stick to it.
  21. $90.00 for S & H? Thats a little steep.
  22. Looks like they are 73 240Z, or 74 260Z carbs. In other words garbage.
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