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Posts posted by Wedge

  1. I can so relate to that I am having the to-do list blues at least from times to times I spend a couple hour doing some work on the Z but its not always easy. I motivate myself by having a list on a drawing bord that I can cross stuff I did and I can then see when I get the blues that the list is getting smaller somehow. I watch the project mull videos to sometimes to tell myself that I have less work on my plate then him hehe.

  2. Sorry if it seemed harsh, (I hope your not upset, since the comment wasn't directed towards yourself). I felt the thread was on a good track as the basis for the mod was sound and he attempted to do some measurements by measuring the deflection in the door, then he chose to be more entertaining, and then finished it off by saying how it difinitively works with how he felt instead of some sort of data, he provided quite a few anecdotes. I mean a lot of the statements could have come from other factors, like his front brake pads wore down, he added more weight to the vehicle so it's settled more and ironing out the bumps, etc etc.


    Had a statistics teacher who left an impression on me.


    No problem, hehe


    Im just wondering how someone could test the strengthning to give some sort of results or data...

  3. Well its not like the test he did could be tested by engineers ... im sorry if my post sounded like if porsche engineers did some test and posted it on the internet...Of course a guy tested it, he felt it was better. It Is up to you to think if you want to try it out on thing for sure it would try it.


    Dont want to sound pissed but i posted the link as info on foam strenghtning a car.

  4. Im doing this to while im in my rb26 swap i plan on routing mostly throught the fenders and i got some aluminium flexible electrician pipes that are 1,5" OD to protect the wires froms road hazards. Ill post pics in the process. Thanks for the link of the conneters Mikes Xs has some great prices.

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