At the Pete dealership, a low week for me is 50-60 hours. Although more than once Ive flagged over 100 hours. There were a few weeks last year when my 2 week paycheck was for close to 250 hours. Shop rate right now is 92/hr, and Im at 17.50.... so yeah its decent money. A few years ago, when I was still working on cars, I was making 22.50 an hour, but barely making my 40. There is no comparison in the money.
As far as opening your own shop, the only advise I have for you is to work at some other shops first. For more than one reason. First, you gain hands on experience. Schooling is fine, but there is alot that books cant teach you. I went to 2 years of auto mechanics, and thought I knew it all. Come to find out, even though the book says 2+2=4..... sometimes it equals 5. Also, if you pay attention, youll learn how to run a shop and more important, how NOT to run a shop. Ive worked for enough a$$holes, that I know if I ever did decide to open a shop, how to talk to customers and how to treat me employees. There has been more than once, my old boss had customers steaming mad, yelling and cursing, and Ive calmed them down and by the end, they thanked me and appologized to me (not the boss) about their behavior. Ive always wanted my own shop, and who knows, maybe someday I will. But the experiences Ive learned from others has been invalueable. I know if I hadnt been thru half the hell Ive been thru, I wouldnt have a clue how to do it and would have failed miserably.