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Everything posted by nbesheer

  1. But also if you loose one of your TC rod bushings when you brake you're car will veer in that direction. Kind of scary but controllable if needed.
  2. I'm assuming that this item is not achieved by that method ?
  3. Well heres what I found http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/280zx-short-throw-shifter-brand-new-THEYRE-HERE_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33736QQihZ008QQitemZ180231320766QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW has anyone used one yet ?
  4. Yeah I don't like it but theres a lot of things that seem odd to me that others like so I figured I would let someone know unless it's a hard to find item. Is that your white car ?
  5. I'm sorry I guess when I pasted the picture previously it did not go in. Well here it is 3-Piece Spoiler 79-83
  6. Look at the 3 piece spoiler for 79-83 datsuns in the lower left area. Anyways theres one at my local junk yard. I don't know if their rare or hard to find these days but just letting ya'll know. It's at the Pick a part on hillside in san bernardino 407 E. 9TH ST. SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92410
  7. So I got some new wheels. 15x6.5 hoshino impuls ($760.00) Here one is with tires (Falken Zeix 912 205/60/15) And here are some shots of them on my car. Over all I love the difference of the tires. I used to have Pirelli P400's 205/70/14 and I was not impressed.
  8. I hope you have a lot of wheres waldo books because you're going to need the experience to find them. I love hoshinos and I just saw this style last week for the first time
  9. Yeah I think it's poly in the front and rubber in the back, i will have to check when I get home. and for it being under load or not maybe theres a local shop with a pit that you can use for a few minutes, at my old job we had a few people come in and use the pit for brief moments.
  10. Also read this http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=91528&highlight=rod+snapped There is another thread about the breaking situation but I can't seem to find it right now.
  11. Here this might clear some stuff up Looks like if it's an auto then it's R180 other wise it should be a R200
  12. They are 15x6.5 -5 not the best size but I really like the wheels so I'll compromise. Like this
  13. Did see it was sold anywhere. But yeah i would love to see if it was ever installed ? Also I thought I had sent a PM so it wouldn't bring up the thread again. sorry.
  14. Do you still have the 280X wide body kit ? If so what price are you looking to get for it ?
  15. What is this z31 upgrade you're taking about.
  16. You also have beta motorsports out of (la habra?) the owner(?) is also a member on this forum johnc http://www.betamotorsports.com/
  17. Heres my babies I've had them in my possession for 3.5 Hours Hey mazedatsun good to see you here on hbz. We've met at the empire Z show, my buddy has the 84 supra too.
  18. Yeah the owner (?) is a member here on the forums. SR240Z http://www.vildinimotorsport.com/
  19. any chance of finding S130 fender mirrors ?
  20. as far as I know, there was the OS Giken head that was DOHC, but other then that individuals made their own.
  21. Sorry but their really isn't a DOHC head kit that is readily available to anyone.
  22. Oh, yeah i don't know. That's weird I don't really like it.
  23. What did he do to the coin tray ? Also the coin tray fits a pack of gum perfectly.
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