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Everything posted by nbesheer

  1. I'm not posting this as a classified but just showing you guys the car. http://www.carhopp.net/classified_ads.htm Hope it hasn't been posted before. but it looks interesting.
  2. I've seen it in person, it has a hayabusa engine. and is fully tube framed from what i saw. Also the CF around the lights even has all the "dot approval" text on it.
  3. Okay so i was looking at the DOT approved Rallye 4 ASM but it won't work in my car because the harness bar is kinda close to the seats and detachable buckle thing will make it too long. So now I'm looking at the Schroth Rallye Cross. On the web site it doesn't say it is DOT approved http://www.schrothracing.com/products/Tuning/rallye/rallye-cross I called them and they said it was but how do i find out for sure. is there some kind of number that I can cross reference ?
  4. Hey I like your car cody. Weird rear bumper. Any pictures of the engine bay ? Also if you find some more of those front blinker lights on the bumper with the clear/amber can sell them to US
  5. I think it's been posted before because I remember seeing the "cracked" brake rotor. Either way it's pretty awesome looking. I love the under side photos.
  6. Then you should get one of these bad boys. here http://www.freewebs.com/pallnet/products.htm
  7. personally 65 is fine for me, I just kick it in the slow lane, and I rarely have to change lanes or brake, or speed up... just constant
  8. I just paid $51 to fill up my ZX tank with 13.19 gallons. was in between 1/4 and 1/2 and I got 25.75 MPG. Seems pretty decent but I want more so hopefully the new ride will be better.
  9. I didn't break mine but the nut fell off once and I know how scary it is driving it. although once you get to know how it handles it's kinda fun at low speeds... like a turning brake.
  10. Those look like old Enkei Mesh. Nice look but too much surface area for a mesh wheel I think. Personally I prefer the SSR reverse mesh.
  11. So how low is a low serial number ? Mine is 1965 looks a lot lower then S130
  12. Well i picked it up today! I'm excited but I can't drive it till Tuesday at the earliest. EDIT: btw it's a 1974 Datsun 610 with a L18
  13. Okay, I was hoping for something online.
  14. I'm looking to buy a car and the guy said that the plates are "on hold" and it costs $10 to unlock them but I really don't understand what hes saying, and English is not his first language so is there any where I can look up the plates ? It's a CA plate "847 WOV"
  15. Yeah I'm sure you have to pay top dollar for quality drilled rotors. But look at powerslot, they don't even sell drilled rotors, in fact they sell "drilled" dimpled rotors that have the "look" but not the problems I guess. http://www.powerslot.com/pages/pro_stop.html
  16. Those are some crazy cars! I don't know if I would drive that old school drag car with the pumpkin between your legs though.
  17. Oh, I stand corrected. My bad. Although round port headers on square port heads would cause restrictions EDIT: I just corrected my self http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=123377&highlight=square Square port headers on round port heads WORK
  18. I spoke to the guy at T3 and he said they make stuff for the S130 but they don't have it listed, I couldn't find the email I sent to see what they did make but i would shoot him an email or something and see if they make something.
  19. Yeah people have run square port exhaust on round port heads.
  20. Those look really expensive and cross drilled is not very good. Slotted on the other hand is good. Look for rotors from "powerslot" their a lot cheaper and are slotted. I think Summit racing sells them
  21. Theres a V8 "rover" at the pnp that has SU's but I'm not sure if it has 2 or 4, or if it's even still there.
  22. I asked this same question before and what i ended up doing is unpluging it and didn't notice a difference so I removed it. I live in southern California and I'm guessing my car doesn't get that hot enough, but I never go from "racing" the engine to off i always let it sit a for a bit if that matters.
  23. Complete engines at the local yards here cost around 190 for NA motors
  24. thats funny since we call patrol like vehicles Sport utility vehicles
  25. I'm sorry to say that unless you find the deal of the life time you're not going to find that deal
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