I have worked retail...and yes, the idiocy is astounding. It's amazing what sort of questions and requests you get when you've got a wall full of firearms behind you.
...then there's the deactivated display pieces. NO, you cannot re-activate it, it will not fire ammunition, you cannot re-drill the plugged chamber to take smaller ammo, it's been de-activated to BATF specifications so it will never fire again.
This was in a military antique shop that sold deactivated guns and antique firearms that were not considered live gun by law.
No, we're not a gun shop, we will not take your stock blank and re-produce an 1860s Enfield buttstock to replace the one on your friend's rifle that you broke while you were horsing around with it...especially since you didn't bring the old one in to work from.
No, we do not sell live smoke grenades. No, we do not sell 00 buckshot for home defense. No, we do not have any used Zyklon-B canisters and we never have and never will, go try to re-enact Falling Down somewhere else. No, we do not have claymores, used or new. No, we will not find or sell you switchblades. No, we will not sell you a set of brass knuckles. No, we are not Nazis, the sign on the wall that you walked past to get in here clearly stated that the items on sale are purely for collector purposes and we hold no political sympathies with any regimes portrayed, past or present.
People suck.