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Everything posted by New-to-240z

  1. Well, I had to make a jump on it when i heard about it. Its not like I was taking pre-orders and getting cash in hand before i even knew what they were. I will wait next time till the parts are in hand. I didn't mean to get people's hopes up. Hell my hopes were up too! My friend makes his money off of selling parts so i told him to keep an eye out for them.
  2. I'm soo sorry guys my buddy just called me and told me he found 1 88 Z31 and the others were 85 and 86. he found a few 87-89 300ZX ones, but no other z31's other then the one. And I am picking that one up. He is however talking about maybe doing the J30 3.9 VLSD swap out into the R200 and selling those. If anyone is interested please let me know. He would be using the 85 - 86 Z31 R200 longnose diffs with the J30 3.9 VLSD internals. Supposedly this is a very good combo and would make for a strong setup. He tells me though that u would have to source 88 Z31 axles for it to work, but I figure stock Z axles will work if all Z31 axles are the same except for strength.
  3. Wow, this is a big market all of a sudden. I don't know about shipping, but I can check this out for you. I will have him pull one or two and weigh them out. ( U need to let me know ahead of time if you want the axles too! From my reading, its well worth it to upgrade to the Z31 axles!!! ) Anyway, I'll contact him tomorrow and have him grab them all.
  4. Its near my friend. I'll ask him he may have already pulled them out. I'll let you know when i get the chance.
  5. Hey guys and girls. I live in SoCal and have a friend that can get ahold of about 4 Z31 ( 300zx T ) CLSD's and was wondering if anyone here would be interested in buying one or two? I was also wondering, is it even worth going with these over a R200? 2 are from an automatic and two are from manuals. I would think that the automatic would be better choices as those would probably have less abuse. I'm on the fence right now as to what to do. Any thoughts would be appriciated. ( Oh and I believe they are 3.9's? I think all Z31's came with a 3.9)
  6. Well, I ended up going with my original plans. I have Eibach lowering springs, Tokico HPs, MSA front sway bar, and i have yet to install the rear sway bar. The only problem i forse is that the MSA rear sway bar won't clear my 3" exhaust! I believe that if i get the ST rear sway bar, it would fit with no problems at all. But, I'm going to get a second opinion on that one. As for how it handels, MUCH MUCH BETTER. I have no problems with speed turns, and the car only dips slightly if at all in hard cornering. The one problem though that i have now . . . My steering wheel rattles at speeds from 50 - 100 mph. Sometimes it will rattle at 50, sometimes it won't. I have the poly steering coupler, and poly steering rack bushings, so i'm kinda lost. All tie rods and ball joints were replaced not even 4 months ago. My suspension guy says i need to have the front end balanced with the tires on the car?!?! I've never heard of that. So, I'm going to drop it off at my local shop and they are going to do a complete check over and make sure everything is as it should be. I think it could be that when i had them switch out my rotors and pads, they didn't tighten one of the nuts tight enough around the spindle and its causing the car to wobble at higher speeds?
  7. He was VERY helpful in choosing my setup. I just happened to get a top notch price on all the parts and they were located 2 min from the shop i was heading towards. (MSA)
  8. I'm sorry John, but i stopped into there after seeing a 280Z infront of their shop, the guy was soo impressed with my Z that he told me I could use his buying account with MSA to purchase all the parts at COST and no tax. So, I got the struts, sway bars, springs, and bump stops all for 620 i believe. I was so stoked i forgot to call u about it. I do apologize.
  9. Hey guys, I know this is kind of off topic but I felt like i should post this on every forum i visit pertaining to our Z's. I am sitting at a shop located in Orange,CA minutes (2 actually) from MSA. The shops name Brake Masters. I just bought a set of HP's, MSA sways, and Eibach springs from MSA. I had them installed here at BM and they did a wonderful job. Steven (The owner) was happy to introduce me to the guys working on my car ( Who by the way also own a 280Z ) and got me coffee for the wait. I felt VERY impressed with the work ethic here and safe to know the guy working on my car had a Z of his own. Well after 4-5 hours of working on the car, installing sway bars, struts, bump stops, and springs, something didn't seem right. The front was sitting VERY HIGH and the rear sitting very low. Come to find out after a vist to MSA that the springs were swapped backwards. I asked them if there were any instructions or written words saying which springs go where and they paused and continued " Nope, we should really write that down on the box shouldn't we?" Well, I'll tell you i was pretty #$%^ pissed off. After driving back and telling Steven what had happened, and feeling the bill raising for the work he would now have to re-do because of error on MSA and Eibach's side . . . He looked and me and said NO WORRIES AT ALL. We'll pull the other cars off the racks and have my guys switch it all out and fix it at no extra cost to you. He grabbed me a chair, said make yourself at home, and his guys went right back to work. I can't tell you how relieved I was. Not only was he not charging me for the alignment 4 days from now, but he was not charging me for the extra 2 hours or so of work his guys have to do. This place is top notch, and the owner one of a kind. The second this happened I felt inclined to post up on the forums about this day. If you're ever in need of bushing replacement, installations, brake work, what not . . . Brake Masters off North Batavia St. is the place to go. (714) 288-6001 Ask for Steven and tell him Matt with the 240 sent ya!
  10. i put in a SR20DET and it raised the front end considerably. I talking a large amount of extra travel. Anyway, what do you guys think? Should i B safe with HP's and some eibach springs? Or should i spend the extra $$ and get the illuminas? ( would getting the illuminas help with when/if i cut the eibach's a little?
  11. are there any non-progressive springs I could use with a illumina setup? So i could basically just go ahead and cut a coil or so to lower the front a little more?
  12. What do you think about the weight difference? Will it not lower the car becuase of the loss of weight up front? I'm just worried that it will be the exact same height it is right now. . . . What do you think?
  13. I think both the tokico and eibach springs are progressive so I'm assuming cutting them a little will result in a harsher ride? Are there any springs i can use that are not progressive which can allow me to cut off a coil or so and not result in a different ride, just less suspension travel? ( Which I'm assuming I can make up for a little by increasing the stiffness of the Illuminas to not allow them to go as far down under hard cornering, driving?)
  14. This is more in my price range, but still pretty damn expensive. Plus its going to cost some $$ to have the welding done. What i really want to know is, can I go with the Eibach or Tokico setup i was talking about earlier and if I don't like how high it sits, cut like a coil or two off without sectioning the struts?
  15. I guess i should also mention I'm on a tight budget. haha I would love to go coilover, but i don't have the money to do it, and time. This car is driven 4 days a week, and my other car is on its way out. So, i need to be able to have the job done within a day or two. I thank you for the help though.
  16. wouldn't going tokico adjustable make me have to section my struts though? Or will they slide right in? I heard you have to bore out the inner tubing a little, along with get camber plates welded in? Just making sure of everything.
  17. Hey guys, I recently put an SR20 into my 72 240Z and LOVE IT! Swap was done down at Vildini Motorsports!!! GREAT GREAT GREAT GUYS! Adrien is the man! Anyway, I'm looking to upgrade the suspension on my car becuz since the swap my car sits pretty damn high. I know its because of the weight difference, so here's my question to you. . This car is driven about 4 days a week and might see an AutoX once or twice a year, but mostly street miles. I don't want a rough ride but i don't want lean in my turns. I had this setup in mind . . Tokico HP's Eibach Springs MMS sway bars and new bump stops. Now the only problem i forsee is that this spring and strut setup is for the stock 240z, and I want my car lowered the 1.0" it will lower it. But, since i saw such a DRAMATIC rise in the height in the front of the car i'm afraid that these will be doing the same thing. Does anyone here with an SR20 or anyone with knowledge have any recomendations as to what i should do? I really don't feel like having my struts sectioned, seeing as it would be a hassle. But if there's no way around it I'll do it. So, what do you guys think? On a side note I was thinking of going coilovers and sectioning the struts, but I don't want the harsher ride of coilovers. please help. Matt
  18. no, this is matt. The guy you just bought the 73 L24 from! I saw the color of the paint and I thought it was you. Am I thinking of someone else? a buddy of mine, Tony, just finished having his 240 painted the EXACT same color, and he too is putting on the flares.
  19. if you have any pics or can take any of your way that would be great. I'm contacting Will myself right now to see what he has to say. He should be getting back to me. Thanx for the response.
  20. Hey guys. I just bought this set of headlights . . . http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=011&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&viewitem=&item=320125114642&rd=1,1 (Ebay I know) Will, the guy who makes the headlight harness, said these are very nice and bright and make a nice difference for the price. I bought them and they are nice construction and look pretty damn clean. I was going to install them at the shop where my car is until i got there. I realized that i have no idea how to take out the old stock housings and replace them with these. I did a search and came up with . . Undo all the bolts on the inner fender where the splash guard is for the light. Then there will be a few more boplts that you undo and bam, the headlight housing pops right out. But I realized . . How the heck am i going to put the new ones in? The new ones (as you can tell in the first pic on the top right) don't have any holes to screw into. They have these metal tabs that pop out and that's it. I was hoping someone could shed some light on this for me. Are the stock ones the same way? Any help would be greatly appriciated. Thanx ahead of time and i will be giving you my review on them after they are installed with Will's headlight upgrade harness. Will be doing it all this weekend.
  21. if u do take them out, think you could throw up some pics for us? I am/was considering buying these rims. Would like to see what they look like.
  22. count me in on one too!!! I'm dieing to get one of these
  23. Ahhh, but has Lewis told you his weight yet? . . . . . hahaha J/K Lewis. U DA MAN!!
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