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Everything posted by BurnoutZ

  1. Wow man, your putting alot of money out there for us... This is much appreciated.
  2. Whats the grating for?! He must like that "snub nosed" s30 z look... It's not bad but i think it should stick out slightly with subtle bumper details...
  3. Anyone tried installing a small shiftlight in the stock tach? Like this, You couldnt go with this tach because it would take away your turn signals... Is there anyway you could get a white glow?
  4. I think a 6 speed l28et would be a good project as it hasn't been done very often.
  5. Alot of work... different... not necessarily appealing imho...
  6. Hmm... does he have any pictures of how he routed the tubing? I think he shouldve tried working out the bugs...
  7. You should make a writeup of your success... if you have any...
  8. For gas mileage, wont 6th gear at 70-80 mph pull at 2k rpms? Wouldnt this produce better gas mileage on the highway?
  9. I have heard that you can accelerate quicker and reach a higher top speed with a 6-speed. Also I've heard that the borg t-5 trans' 1st gear goes too quick with l28et... yes I know they were probably referring to a strong l28et that has been built but still. Comparing the two which would you guys say has more benefits? T-5 vs T-56? I've always thought t56 but maybe im wrong... I was just curious if anyone had ever put a 6 speed on a l28et and how it has worked out for them.
  10. Im just looking at my options... I still have my 4 speed but upgrading the engine, im going to need to upgrade the transmission at some time and would like to use a 6 speed. Does anyone have any pictures/writeups of a t56 being mated to a l28et? I couldn't find any info using search... All I found was a t56 mated to a ls1.
  11. How many pieces is the front sectioned off into with the molded kits?
  12. What is the differances/advantages with a molded carpet? Over a sectional?
  13. Does it require a special bracket or modifications to mount a t56 to a l28et?
  14. Here is a 3 guage cluster off ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/3-GAUGE-COMBO-BOOST-NISSAN-240Z-260Z-280Z-280ZX-TURBO_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1638Q2em118Q2el1247QQcategoryZ6755QQihZ002QQitemZ120272508988QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD1V How does this "universal fit" work with the s30 body style? I was considering purchasing this one...
  15. I have been wondering... Can you mate a l28et engine with a t56 transmission? Is a special mounting bracket needed?
  16. It looks like a totally different car...
  17. Which carpet kit is this With no seem in the front area (no seam between the driver side, tran tunnel and passanger side) Is there any molded padded carpet kit for an early 260z with no seam in the front area? Or will i have to go with a sectional kit. Which site should I buy from?
  18. The guy in the vid need to replace his rear suspension... or raise it alittle. Its sitting lower than the front. Rofl Hahha. It's "slammed".
  19. Haha, take it to a shop id say and have them help you with it.
  20. Are you serious?!!! Why did he take it off? And what did he replace it with?
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uXeo2Rpy58 Hahha stumbled across this vid on youtube. Is this guy a member here?! hahahha roflmao.
  22. American le mans series... Speed channel or HBO and STARZ pack
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