I feel like this thread is giving the rb a hard time.
You mean weren't used at all? Either way he lives in Sacramento...
I'd say 90% availability, but, it's a toyota...
I'm not so sure about the crazy hp part, but also don't forget the sr's cg advantage.
I wouldn't say the numbers mean "nothing" but I agree that they aren't accurate. Besides, 250hp? They're also rated at 276 I believe, although bone stock skylines have been dynoed at around 310. All three are going to have the same advantages when you talk about swapping them and cutting the fat. I don't know anybody that gets one of these and puts in a 2" catback, a 1" aftercooler, and the belt driven fan, all while adding 800lbs to the chassis. Basically disregard those numbers when you talk about a hybridz
I thought the restrictor actually brought it down to like 8psi, removing it goes to 15 right? Either way, the upgrade is free giving the rb an even earlier lead.
True, potential doesn't mean anything if you just want a quick 350--do whatever gets you to your goal quicker. Not all of us are going for a 1500hp daily. Still, it's a lot sexier and unique imo. When I run into a guy with an sr, he's the one that's impressed... I think that might be an exaggeration on the availability of the sr parts though.
Sure on Vs you have to by double the parts and intake/exhaust ducting etc. gets more complicated, but I'm not so sure that when you buy cams you pay by the lobe... Everything in the prices are relative. More expensive probably, but it's not all gonna be 3/2 the price of the sr equivalent. Besides the sr is going to have to be taken further than the rb just to catch up, so you have to factor that price in as well.
Yeah where did that idea come from? Would be nice...
Let's face it, the hard decision for everybody is the same. Do I get the rb or do I settle? Actually that's not true, I'd probably get the sr if I was getting the car for autocross. If this were an sr20 v. rb25 though I would say no-brainer.