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Everything posted by getoffmyinternet

  1. Yeah that doesn't make any sense. Why would they have the two circuits independent of one another such that the odometer can only read correctly in the factory position? I would think that there's one circuit that counts the frequency and sends it both to the odometer to count the miles and then to the needle to average it out. The needle is basically the odometer with a clock added on that it divides by, so they would only conflict with each other if it was the clock you're altering with those adjustments to fool it into thinking it's moving faster.
  2. I was under the impression that the sr was the one with the aftermarket support. rb parts aren't as easy to find as they should be.
  3. When you put the new pump on just run it with the line disconnected from the manifold for a minute to make sure it's coming out clean.
  4. Does the manual say anything about what those adjustment numbers do, can you just experiment jumping different ones? I'm not familiar with those, is it like a small percentage multiplier for different size tires etc? Never heard of being able to adjust a stock speedo like that. If only you could figure out how the circuit actually converts the frequency into mechanical movement of the needle and set it off by a little bit with a resistor or something simple like that. I was trying to convert a speedo once and couldn't for the life of me find signal multipliers that weren't in whole numbers, and your gauge apparently isn't off by a factor of a whole number. I have seen speedo adapters that are supposed to be universal though and can be programmed to make any gauge work just like you would calibrate an autometer, but the price of those probably defeats the purpose of using the maxima gauges in the first place... If you're lucky you can find a cog for the speed sensor that gets it close enough but that's a long shot. Have you given up on the stock gauges? It sounds like your new speedo is in the same boat as your old one. If the tach doesn't read real low, it's probably not high enough input voltage. It couldn't just be off by a certain amount though, there has to be a ratio that it is off, which should tell you it's hooked up to the wrong signal source. Just thinking out loud.
  5. Everything is for sale. What kind of money are you looking to spend? I was thinking of using my new salary to go for the vette I've always wanted if'n my rb z went to a good home.
  6. I found this page that has substitutes for australia but it doesn't help too much. Looks like 12mm is correct though. Perhaps it is later model RBs that have 18mm sensors? http://members.pcug.org.au/~jdeakins/facts.html
  7. I can't seem to find any support on this subject and it's been haunting me for over a year now. (Should I have posted this in troubleshooting or is that just "general engine?") I just tried to by my second set of replacement o2 sensors that I heard work for this engine but no dice! I'm at the point where I would probably just pay way too much for the oem ones but I can't even find them. Supposedly the 300zx turbo sensors work, but about a year ago I bought some and the threads were way too big. Then I heard about the turbo sensors and thought maybe I bought the wrong kind, so I picked some from ebay that say they are for the turbo z32. Still too big. Did the guy send me the wrong kind or am I just missing something? The threads on the original sensors are about 12mm and the threads on the collar they go into are about 20mm on the other side. The sensors I bought however are 18mm so they don't work either way. I'm dying for some easy insight here, help! P.S> The background story is that I'm fairly certain the stock sensors are bad because the gauge in datascan freaks out, meanwhile the engine has a slight miss like it's running on the default map which is too rich. I can't figure out how to test the sensor itself but the heater shows 6.8ohms. The new sensors show 3.8ohms.
  8. The member search doesn't appear to be working. http://forums.hybridz.org/index.php?/user/1755-rayven14/ Not sure if he's still active or not, the door panel threads seem to have gone stale. Prices are in those threads though if you weed through them.
  9. I was just thinking that and found this old thread! Are there new threads on it? Both this and the "fiberglass door panel" thread seem to be dead. I have my glass piece riveted to the tin header and was thinking of blending it in and popping a mold off of it to make a one piece for people that don't want to go through all the extra post fab work.
  10. Yeah I also saw the movie Space Cowboys I'd say the blackbird is more of a "this is why everyone should fear us" type of thing.
  11. I believe this forum is a fram free zone... I need to do that insulation stuff for my car too, let us know how satisfied you are when it's done and hopefully it will motivate me.
  12. So 2 z32 o2 sensors? I guess I was on the right track a while ago when I bought some on ebay (looked the same) but the threads were different. They may have been z31.
  13. Yeah it would look better just smooth, but since that isn't really an option, with the lights and switches it would have been pretty cluttered anyhow. I like the plaque because it's squared off like it's supposed to go there. Call me crazy, but I'm getting my old center console ready (slowly) to pull a mold off of so I can make one out of cf that doesn't have any of the clutter.
  14. Man I wish I could reply to the my car is jerking thread. Also that I could just start a thread in the tool shed, skip the middleman. :P

  15. That's a bold move right there, but I like your style. Although from what little I know about mopar at that time is that they all had 2 speeds. And also were driven by old ladies. XD
  16. Ah that explains it. I was thinking that I didn't remember being able to... Yes it's true most do spend a lot of time and effort on them and need lovin. Mine however is mostly just dribble, so I understand the no replies. That's some fine camera work there btw.
  17. Basically I filled the choke light hole or whatever it is, and the screw holes in my center console with jbweld. I think I actually did a pretty good job all things considered. Nevertheless... I'm sure it's been done before, what better way to "spruce up" the interior with a little flair? If it's not in the poll but you have a good idea, please add it to the running! 1. Datsun hood emblem 2. Z hood emblem 3. nissan emblem 4. Crystal nissan emblem 5. nismo decal 6. nismo plaque P.S. If you voted for 4, you've failed.
  18. Wow I thought there were only like 2 of those. n00b Don't they cost something ridiculous to build? I used to know the facts about how fast they burn fuel at top speed etc, I think it's almost as much as a veyron
  19. Really?? That's fantastic.I'll have to call kragen asap. I mean o'reiley's. I mean kragen&o'reiley's. checkershuckskragenoreileys. 4 wire though? How does that work? Is this the kind of thing I should have done a more thorough search for? Thanks for the help Dave
  20. Anyone have a non-broken heater panel? At the time I was dealing with allstate there were 2 cheap ones on ebay and now I can't find a thing.
  21. I have the tb gaskets, just need some working o2 sensors
  22. I'll be crossing my fingers for you. Looks like they are continuing to sell them on ebay one at a time, unless the last one didn't pay up or something. I would see myself watching them for a few years to noodle the idea of spending that much on a daily driver. It's still a tossup between that and a corvette. That said if I happen to win the lottery it would have to be a pantera gt5, but I figure the likelihood is pretty slim seeing as how I never buy any tickets. The s30 has surpassed my expectations though don't get me wrong.
  23. Oh yeah sorry about that, they were on a personal website and got moved around. If you want to see anything specific I'll be happy to find it and repost. A couple of the points of interest are in my writeup The wiring actually wasn't all that hard once I got going (stared at the diagram long enough to have it memorized), it was just hard to get off the ground is all. If you're systematic about it with weeding out the wires you don't need and labeling the ones you do then you'll be fine. My only previous electrical experience was installing a modest sound system and the alarm (which I apparently didn't do so well).
  24. Yeah it's a tough crowd in that area. I was beginning to think that people aren't even allowed to reply in that section.
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