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Everything posted by getoffmyinternet

  1. I'll probably get stoned for jumping the gun but I'm gonna go ahead and say, Vaguest, thread, ever.
  2. How much would you pay for this? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-Z-Series-240-Datsun-240z-FRP-Body-Shell-All-Panels-Brand-New-/150440446778 I wonder if it's all it's cracked up to be. No specs on material used, weight, etc. Pretty generic. Would be pretty legit though if done right. Anybody have a production line of something like it?
  3. just looked on ebay, the panels look quite a bit different. I don't think one bad line would screw the whole thing, but too many might make it overheat. I don't know what people do about this, I guess most just live without them.
  4. The sheet metal that makes up the rear deck including the spare tire tub. I know it's a stretch but if anybody is cutting up a parts car they might overlook this. I want to make a nice tool for a custom sub box. I think the late model panels are a little different. Not sure if they are all incompatible size wise, but need to compare. I know the fake speaker holes are excluded but all the better. Dunno how to test the defrost, 2am? The ohms probably vary quite a bit, might be able to actually feel each line get warm?
  5. The search isn't helping me much as most of these parts are the wrong series or in a huge list of a car being parted out etc. I've been browsing for a while and thought maybe I'd get bites if I just listed everything needed for my restore m/t center console heater controls panel hatch glass with working horizontal defroster vanes all interior quarter panel trim, need crack free, color doesn't matter, I'm making a cf version of each and need a master set entire rear deck metal piece
  6. I'm sure in gran turismo that circuit is only rated moderate Oh they grow up so fast..
  7. It's new to me. That engine sure is sexy though.
  8. I believe these are the part numbers both o2 sensors R32: Front - 22690-05U21 (Flat 3 wire plug) Rear - 22690-05U22 (Square 4 pin plug) all throttle body gaskets 16175-05U70 (x6) 14035-05U00 new injectors (650cc and up)
  9. I was thinking the same thing. Saying it's street legal is one thing, using it as your daily driver is quite another. That said, I think there's a lot of merit in the latter (as much if not more respectable), just like there's merit in making a fast n/a or dot radials car (eg. sure you can strap a rocket to the roof if you want it to go fast but where's the point/challenge in that). Me digressing: I don't really see the fun in having a drag queen for special events and driving a camry the other 99.9% of the time. To me that's not far from just going out and buying a track car to race rather than building your own--it's like winning a horse race, sure you were declared the winner but let's be honest it was pretty much all the horse's doing. I'd like to win fair and square, but at some point it just becomes a matter of who has more money. Like if a street legal car loses to a non legal car, who's the real winner? There's even merit in making a fast car that gets decent mileage etc. Like you beat me but it's because you went so far that your car lacks any and all amenities and is almost impossible to drive and you have to fill up an ice chest and a nos bottle before each round. You could essentially gut the interior of a civic and just race other civics. Having the fastest street car is really saying something, just as making the fastest production car (that everyone goes gaga about even though it really isn't that fast), moreso than just having the fastest overall. It's like watching nascar or nhra races, you get to a point where all the cars look like they are the exact same thing and smoking someone is winning by a nose, and the only thing that makes them interesting is when they crash. You could take a 240z, build a custom chassis from the ground up just like the funny cars, drop in an engine that's just like the funny cars, cover it with a plastic shell somewhat resembling an s30 with fake headlights like it's an r/c car, and go out and win gold trophies, but then it's not really a 240z anymore is it. The sad reality is that you can't really race your street car on the streets anymore. They took racing to the strips and they can't go back, total shame. I guess in that regard you can't really have a race car that is a street car now can you, only a street car that you go race. There should be a movie called "Drive Up: To The Streets"
  10. Because you absolutely love how the old jeep headlights looked and wish every car looked more like a jeep. No compromises!!
  11. I agree with the last part, although I'd point out that not all popularity is good popularity... I don't know about balls, I feel like the guy had no taste, or at least was really indecisive, ie. he had a million ideas and didn't really know what to do with them and basically tried every single one because he didn't know when to quit. It's like always having tons of ideas but not being able to distinguish when you have a bad idea. I moreso admire people who know how and when to be subtle.
  12. Or taking a british hardcore adult film and showing it on american tv, then you just have a really boring documentary. In every regard a car can only be one or the other, making a car both is really just choosing some of the options from one and some from the other in an attempt to make the car well rounded, ie. making sacrifices. But isn't that what life is all about?? HAHAHAHAhalkhasdlkfhaskgjabewgkvsjeh
  13. Sounds like you guys are lucky, I wouldn't think even wd40 would last that long. and masking tape is far from moisture proof. Ideally I'd want to dip the entire thing in solvent and put in dehydrator plugs. If you spray a corrosion preventative in the cylinders, you don't want to rotate it from then on or it will break the seal, so checking to see if it seized technically makes it seize faster. There are corrosion preventatives you can add to the oil and run the engine for a few minutes to get it through the system and coat everything internally. I guess being rebuilt helps especially if you coated everything as you reassembled it.
  14. What are you guys talking about I don't see any pics of the rear end! I have a feeling it's pretty nice though.
  15. I was expecting sarcasm The center console looks like a giant tv remote!
  16. With allstate you have to have an added sound system coverage for anything but what's installed in factory locations, so my amp and sub aren't covered. Homeowner's insurance has a $500 deductible so I wouldn't get very much and would ultimately lose since the rate would just go up. Yep it needs a new transmission. The syncros were shot, and each set would cost almost as much as what they quoted for a brand new tranny. The trouble hunting was apparently caused by a ruptured gasket which the dealer is having trouble finding at the moment. Either way it's gonna be weeks before I get it back.
  17. Anyone local have a good shop I should take it to? They gave me an inspection checklist and I want to make sure I take it somewhere that is going to be able to fix any engine or transmission problems.
  18. I was under the impression that none of them had one... BTW I saw it on ebay the other day.
  19. Yeah I thought the lady meant they stole the tail lights themselves and was like ah, of course they found the one valuable trim piece, but no! I have several ideas on locking it down, but at this point I think it's best kept a secret. Perhaps allstate will fund me the whole amount for what a shop estimates and I can fix it myself, using the labor fee to upgrade it a little as I go. I was planning on redoing all the interior wiring some day anyhow. That said, I'm not getting reimbursed for the sub, ipod, or amp--their real gem--I bet they **** bricks when they struck that gold mine.
  20. Interior is thrashed and it feels like the perp used my car to learn stick, but I'm just glad it's in one piece.
  21. it's back with a vengeance! "And the seat being reclined all the way means the guy overboosted =P. " "My bet is they ditched it after realizing how damn fast it was, sort of an "f- this, too fast" "
  22. Broke the center console in half for some reason, tore out the whole center dash panel (apparently I did a pretty good job securing the stereo deck), both seats seem to be stuck in full recline and I couldn't even get the driver seat to lock in place so it was interesting driving home (lever is broken off like arnold schwarzenegger had been there). It didn't run very well (kept wanting to die and then continued to hunt for idle nonstop), I think they first ripped out some ecu wires thinking it was the alarm. Really hard to shift, couldn't even get into reverse (I guess they aren't too familiar with a stick). This is probably the strangest part, they stole my shifter knob. Didn't take the autometer gauges, but that homemade pool ball shifter knob I got for 2 bucks on ebay and it probably doesn't even fit any other vehicle, that they just had to have. They also ripped out the tail light wiring while getting at the speakers, there's just a mess of wires everywhere. The hazards relay clicks like it is on steroids for some reason. I'm not sure how they got in but the first thing was obviously to pop the hood and yank the wire going to the horn. I really need to get it locked down this time. Anyway the allstate inspector is coming tomorrow afternoon to asses the damage, my plan covers repairs at a shop of my choosing but I don't know if there's a limit to the amount. If there is, I think a trans rebuild would probably take the cake.
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