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Everything posted by getoffmyinternet

  1. Probably sitting for a week in LB, it had a couple of coupons on the windshield for take out restaurants. Thank God it was amateur hour.
  2. Thanks for joining the search. My bumper is riddled with dents however. Looks like a swap meet type of guy http://www.google.com/search?q=dhdo240%40yahoo.com my heart just skipped a beat http://losangeles.craigslist.org/lac/cto/1676501857.html
  3. There's no sure fire way. Nowadays if they're serious about stealing cars they put the whole thing on a flatbed, no alarms, nothing, and other people would just think it was being towed, an all too common occurrence around LB. There isn't really a place you can hide a lojack that they can't find almost immediately. In fact on exotics that they expect to have that kind of thing, the second they get in the car they run a cutoff wheel across the width of the headliner because the wires almost always go through there. And if you don't have a steering wheel they can just put a big vice grip on it. I think the best mechanical block is the actual club on the gas pedal, but then they've probably had plenty of practice picking that lock too. Perhaps you should just always make sure your car is out of gas. Or I wonder if you could buy one of those boot things from the city. If there's anybody who knows how to make something immobile until they get what they want it's the government.
  4. Awe I'd totally buy it if it weren't missing the passenger side mirror...
  5. I even googled various things from the SD craigs because it would return recently expired listings, but perhaps the listing wasn't around long enough to be cataloged. Or the guy who sent the text is the perp and it's a misdirection. The IP came from Los Angeles...
  6. So far it seems most of the bites are from people trying to buy the car but I got a strange text a little over an hour ago from someone I guess doesn't want to get involved, or a sick joke?? It was sent from a website so I can't reply (txt2day.com) 1 of 2 FRM:donotreply@txt2day.com SUBJ: Sent by IP MSG: the engine is on san diego craigslist he said he wud sell for 1200 for engine rb only WTF, I scoured the SD Craigs and couldn't find crap, unless it got deleted as quickly as it was posted.
  7. Much appreciated. I just found out that I did have some sort of theft insurance after all, don't know what I'll get if it isn't recovered. I'd rather have the car back in one piece though no question. Forgot to mention earlier: Also stolen with the car was a white iPod video 5th Gen 30GB (MA002LL/A). What makes this stand out is that I replaced the center button with a black one, so if you see this unique ipod on craigs or anything let me know!
  8. Much appreciated. It's very comforting to know I have a community out there with their eyes peeled
  9. Yes post wherever you think it might help, I just put one in the stolen section of zilvia
  10. Contact me asap if you see this car. It was stolen from the alley between my house and a Vons mini strip mall between two days ago and now. Feel free to repost this anywhere, much appreciated guys 562-881-5345 dseastead@verizon.net 1972 240z, RB26DETT w/ RB25 5spd Alpine CDA-9887 deck, PDX-5 amp, 2 Pioneer TS-D902P 6*9s, TS-SW1241D 12" sub Spread the word, engine, rims etc are probably going to get parted out now has chrome mirrors and hatch louvers, missing airdam
  11. After several weeks he just got back to me. He said his shop has been very busy (noticed on the website he mentioned being down for a while and revamping). "I'm hoping the shop has some extra sets ready for me next week and I'll give you a ring... I don't have the extra set anymore after I closely inspected it, I didn't like the way it was cut after production so they are redoing it." Funny he touched on being cut poorly like one of you mentioned earlier. Perhaps now he is trying to up the quality of his parts because of their low reputation?
  12. Why vinyl wrap if it's not really cheaper? Also, how about the opposite direction, "chrome"?
  13. That's freaking awesome. I have to get this app. Don't mess with that guy lol. Of all the people to steal a phone you have the luck of it being a macho glock wielding cowboy. FYL P.S I just got the app for iphone and it seems that the only pictures to upload are the ones taken in the app itself. I'm assuming the guy isn't that dumb, is the app for blackberry different? Also, what's the update? It's been a while.
  14. Yeah, I just had a friend ask me if I "knew a guy" or how much a smog check would cost him, and I was like **** if I know! For some reason I thought the godzla belonged to mark rolston but he just has a regular plate. This is really gonna bug me now, it's funny in the other thread someone said they wanted the same thing without the I, only because they could only get six letters. Maybe I'm just thinking of the australian mark with the skyline. But I digress... I kinda like 87floz just because it's the equivalent of 2.6L and it's my birth year, and it ends in Z of course. Not easy to get though. It's not really a 240z anymore, but it's not a 260z either, so why not rate it in ounces, totally underrate it that is. Perhaps RB87oz? Now I'm just trying too hard. PS I guess if you want ideas, there are plenty of those threads, not too many pictures of these things coming to fruition though, I guess it's a common tale. http://forums.hybridz.org/index.php?/topic/46887-licence-tag-ideas-again/ http://forums.hybridz.org/index.php?/topic/75449-new-license-plates/
  15. From the album: Car

  16. getoffmyinternet


  17. Oi, I got stuck on it looking like "damn big" for a couple years. Sensational, what's in it Egg?
  18. Good idea, although repost (dead) I'm pretty sure I've actually seen GODZLA, but I can't find it now. I'll probably never get one because I can't make up my mind. I did a bunch on one of those plate maker sites a while back, either relating to the hybridness like R3240Z, or just something moderately funny like BBQPORK Maybe you guys can help! I should make a poll some time
  19. I would also like a full set of discs, my lsd is not acting so l, so I might as well upgrade in the process.
  20. Hey thanks for the interest. I haven't done much due to being broke and jobless for quite a while now, but I just got hired full time and I start on Monday! So basically you might be seeing some updates soon I might start a new thread on building up the engine, this one is mostly for just the initial install. I have been working on other things though, such as making custom interior parts found here Vendor Forum Tech Forum and related posts about led tail lights here I also started a misc build thread on my little car projects that aren't really engine related found here PS I don't remember if I mentioned the writeup I posted here I feel like I just hijacked my own thread ha!
  21. This is why you do one side at a time so if all else fails you can refer back to the side which is still together.
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