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Everything posted by RedEvilrps13

  1. :( dude that sucks. i feel wicked bad for ya man. in a couple years, i know my 240sx that ive had for almost five years may share that same fate, and its saddening when its time for your baby to pass on.... and i really hate asking this at a time like this, but are you going to be selling the wheels?
  2. luck S.O.B. all the roads here are still covered in sand and salt, so i cant take my 240sx for a spin. looks beautiful though man!!
  3. oh ok i know what you're talking about.....and its porbably not the greatest thing for my car to be sitting out in the snow then huh?
  4. noob question time: what vents above the windows? pics?
  5. nice. update on mine, timing kit got here today!! now i just need to buy the oil pump and cold air intake for it.
  6. drftn280zxt- awesome drawing, i like the way you did a bit of a nismo-esque gt paintjob on it. rbpowered280z- thanks for making me have to clean off my keyboard. THAT THING IS SEXY!
  7. um what? im 6'3", and lemme tell ya, if you are tall, you NEED the sunroof. especially with a helmet on.
  8. actually you cannot use the FWD altima KA in a 240, they arent exactly the same. the heads are different, and the dizzy is mounted in the back of the head so it would hit the firewall in a RWD car, and the FWD cant be used in a RWD car, it wont bolt in. the only engine you can do that with is the CA18.
  9. ugh too bad you live in washington, i could use a clean shell lol are you going to end up parting alot of it out?
  10. AutoX=win. i kinda gave up drifting to autoX last year with my 240sx, and it was a blast! unforunately where i am, its all tight road cone courses in parking lots....makes me want to do time attack....
  11. ive had mine for four years, and would never sell it. just be ready to be approached by fanboys. and for the love of god dont even joke about ruining another 240 by putting a skyline front on it.
  12. oh....never heard of it. anyways, i was just thinking, is there a 2+2 FAQ thread? if not, there should be. unfortunately, my knowledge of the Z in general is rather lacking as of yet, so i can't start one lol
  13. eh i'd rather get the "2/2" badge. i saw it here on someone's car...i forget who's....
  14. lol i hope you're not talking about zilvia, cause i'll laugh my ass off if you are.
  15. ah ok then. thanks guys. this is my first time dealing with a japanese car older that 1991 lol and bubbleguinea, your car in your sig is gorgeous!
  16. ive bought a couple past issues at Borders bookstore, and i gotta say, its quality stuff!!!!
  17. they look like ricey knock offs of Work CR KAI's.... nay i say on putting them on a Z.
  18. around here finding parts for the z is really hard, all the aftermarket ones carry just basic tune up items, and that leaves me with nissan, and that probably won't be cheap.
  19. thanks man, but i'd rather just get it new, thezstore.com has everything for 96.00. i honestly didnt know the 260 came in a 2/2....pics?
  20. 20$ to the first person on here to get that engine in a Z.
  21. hey guys, i finally got my 78 2/2 running, all the timing was off, so ihad to pull the oil pump and dizzy and reset everything. doesnt exactly purr like a kitten, but im a bit more motivated to get the floors and frame done now!! and i need a timing chain and tensioners still, whats a good place to get em at a decent price? the z store? also, i want the 2/2 badge that goes in the grille....
  22. lol no warm welcome? probably cause you didnt search. there's a V8 240SX FAQ thread on Zilvia with all the info you need. http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=105615&highlight=FAQ if you still cant get your answer there, PM a guy names Blu808 on zilvia. he knows more about that swap then most people ever will and yeah people on zilvia prefer that you search before posting. have a nice day
  23. YOU DRIVE IT IN THE SNOW?! i miss driving my 240sx.... and now the Z is running so that got put outside, in the snow....but you cant rot what is already rotted lol
  24. IT RUNS! I'M KEEPING IT. GO ME. it needs some stuff for the engine still, but now i can justify keeping it. soon it goes to my friend's shop for the floors and frame.
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