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Everything posted by RedEvilrps13

  1. lol yeah i meant the air dam...sorry i keep forgetting with these cars. not to get too off topic but that msa air dam will fit a 280 right?
  2. while ive always preferred foose's stuff, boyd is a LEGEND in his own right, and will be missed....RIP.
  3. hahahaha nice thanks guys. feel free to change it every couple of days, its a pleasant suprise hahahahahaha
  4. FRICKEN AMAZING!!! except, the rims/wheels on the mustang made me want to vomit....
  5. ugh what an abomanation......people should never rape old muscle cars like that.....
  6. what bumper and hood are those? ....they would look good on my 280....
  7. dude thats awesome!! feel like making another one? without the speakers?
  8. is the driver's seat orange too? is it in good shape?
  9. ok so as it stands, the Z has no ignition cylinder, just the switch. i found this on ebay and was wondering if it was worth it.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240z-260z-280z-1970-1978-Ignition-Switch_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6763QQihZ017QQitemZ270214544438QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  10. nah man i thought we only got the pulsar and nx2000 in the states/north america. good luck!!
  11. that green is hawt!!!! too many good choices man......
  12. yep. no new pics yet. and ive had it for a month lol
  13. ^hey dont hate on women truck drivers...my mom owns and operates her own big rig.
  14. lol at mine..... and its quite fitting, because come time to take the body panels off, ill end up buying stock in PB blaster....
  15. wtf nose on the 260Z is that?? and to the OP, that seriously got to me man, i hope you find your car i dont know what id do with out my s13 and S30
  16. those are pretty dope i gotta say....gimme a set of 16s and i'd be set.
  17. donation sent as of 2:20pm EST. sorry it wasnt more, but between my trip to england, the Z, and the S13 im strapped for extra funds
  18. http://cgi.ebay.com/HASEGAWA-DATSUN-FAIRLADY-240Z-1971-1-24-CAR-KIT-21268_W0QQitemZ230223531090QQihZ013QQcategoryZ145974QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem how frickin cool is that????
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