For those of you ready to join this forum, but were waiting for a member, with WAY too much time on his hands,
to post a wacked out list, then this is your lucky day!
First, for you Canucks, just add an "eh" to everything, like this = its-a-Z-eh, or like this = two4teeZ-eh
Totally240 / Zspeak / 2-4-T-Z / BecauseZcar / Dotsun / Zlocity, Zelocity / 2fortyZ / Datzoom / S30sRule
Z-licious, Zelicious / oohdat / Z-nith / Dat-Sun-Of-A-Gun / ZsRock/ Zing / RumpetyZ / ZanyZ / On these next
ones, use a Jamaican inflection. Z-car-mon / Zmon / Its-a-Z-mon / or German/Jamaican = Dots-A-Z-mon
I've had fun with this today, a nice break from my Sudoku. BTW, I have no idea if any of these are taken....
rather doubt it.