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Everything posted by SuperDan

  1. Hopeing Tim might see it and want to grab it up first!
  2. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4561796249&category=6169#ebayphotohosting
  3. Problem solved -> http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4560458661&category=35595&rd=1
  4. Tim, how much did you say that thing weighed? 1800 lbs? Yeah, you need 200 - 300hp....
  5. Sounds like you are answering your own question, KA is cheap, easy to find parts etc. Or how about it's older brother the Z24? I think that engine is not quite as wide. If cannot find the dimensions let me know, I have a good friend that owns a nissan dealership, maybe he can get them for you.
  6. Tim is the original motor a front sump? Is there enough room for a straight six? You know, the BMW engines are pretty damn strong and reliable, it's just the electronics and the rest of the car that is crap .
  7. I have had 2 Nissan pickups with the KA motor in them, between both of them I logged about 150k HARD miles on them, I beat the crap out of them and never had a single problem. I think the bottom end is stronger than most people think. Plus, you could find one for dirt cheap now days in So Cal.
  8. that means CHAT NIGHT! http://forums.hybridz.org/FlashChat/flashchat.php
  9. SuperDan

    posting an ad

    Jesus, were do you people come from? You may have a minor point, but comming here and telling me how to run our forum and that I/we need to see a therapist? Also making it your first post?
  10. Yup, as usual, Tim pulls off another nice get together. Hell, even owen showed up
  11. Weather report looks good for a BBQ! A mix of clouds and sun this morning with more sunshine this afternoon. High 71F. Cooler at the beaches. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph.
  12. Thanks for the heads up, I will check it out when I get home.
  13. Hey, we are talking real engines and conversions here, not mythical ones!
  14. It's poll time! The question is not what is better but what conversion have you done, doing or planning on doing. This should be interesting, come on everyone vote!
  15. Very nice job! BTW, why is the steering column tilted so far forward? Driver clearance problem?
  16. Just kidding Let's chat! http://forums.hybridz.org/FlashChat/flashchat.php
  17. Very nice dude. So, if I drop the Z off next weekend, when can I expect it back
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