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Everything posted by SuperDan

  1. Also note that I am moving things around a little on the top menu to clear some of the clutter up. Chat, garage, classifieds etc are now under the drop down menu "HybridZ" Thanks. Dan
  2. Exactly, lets stay on topic folks. No it has not. Ken has shared some very interesting information and visuals for us to enjoy. So again, keep it on topic.
  3. Oh, and please let me buy one now:) That was awsome!
  4. On the top navigation menu you will see that we now have a chat program installed and.... a program called vBGarage. You can now add your car info, specs etc to our database You can create your car profile by going to your user CP (upper left menu, next to the DONATE link, hint.. hint) you will see an option on the left menu to create a new car profile. Comming soon, maybe tonight will be our new Time slip / ET database Dan
  5. Vote now: Since we will be installing a new chat program here is a little poll to get an idea of what time of the day is best to try and get as many people together. This is just for the time of day, not the day of the week. NOTE: All times are Pacific Standard Time.
  6. Did not really fall thru the cracks, just decided not to replace it since it was used very little...? Maybe it was and I just did not notice. It seems to work best and is more fun when there is a set time(s) of the week to join, we will try that again. Hmm....What are the best days of the week? and times? maybe I should poll this. Dan
  7. Not really plug-n-play but still very easy. Starting from the throttle cable. I think my gas pedal / arm was slightly mis-aligned from the factory so I had to modify the mounting holes inside the passenger compartment to make the cable line up with the hole in the cable. It was about a ¼ inch to the left. On my 280z when I did the same thing years ago it lined up perfectly. In this case it was like the mounting pad was canted slightly counter clock wise and the gas pedal was very close to the trans tunnel. You most likely will not have this problem. Drivability? Don’t know yet just got it hooked up this weekend but seem to be running really good so far. Word of advice here, replace your intake/exhaust manifold gasket, I thought mine looked good, big mistake. Had a huge vacuum leak. Any heat issues with fuel percolation etc? Don’t know yet, I used the factory hard lines and just blocked off the forward outlet. Removed the heat shield so I may have an issue, we will see. Did you have to drill any new holes to mount a cable? No. Did you cut off the original bellcrank and bracket, or just route next to it? Just ran thru the hole next to it. Did not cut anything off. Throttle return spring. I took the easy route and made a bracket to connect it to the fender well on the drivers side. Tips I got from Dave at AZ. Connect the power brake hose and the vacuum advance hose to the manifold NOT THE CARB! Use a breather filter for the large vent under the water outlet, do not connect the valve cover vent to the carb base, run it to the air cleaner or put a filter on it.
  8. The easy and best way is to replace the linkage in the engine compartment with the cable and attach it directly to the gas pedel arm. Took me about 20 - 30 min to do it. Pretty straight forward and is a lot smoother than the clunky old linkage. Dan
  9. Sure, Ill start looking for one.
  10. Good point, I am about a year out before I will be ready to do a swap anyways. Need to work on brakes and suspension first. Maybe prices will have fallen some more by the time I am ready.
  11. http://www.arizonazcar.com/manifold.html Probably the best one out there, tell em Dan sent you
  12. I have been eyeing this one myself http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=33615&item=7955919107&rd=1Allmost hit the "Buy Now" button a few times. Maybe 1 more Jack @ Coke and I will be there
  13. "Why does Tim follow me where ever I post?"
  14. That is strange, weird problems going on. I guess no Z work this weekend :| , looks like I will be doing some work on the site instead.
  15. Do you mean this one http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=99162 Or another one?
  16. I do now, thanks to Tim Just picked it up Saturday
  17. I will let you know soon enough MMMMmmmm http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=33615&item=7955919107&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW
  18. So Tim, would that mean you are building a RB580SETT-R
  19. And I would like to clarify something that I have mentioned before. Non-technical forums and posts are not indexed into the search database. But... I plan on doing a re-index of the search engine this weekend so if enough people feel that they should be included then I will re-activate them. Hmmm.... maybe I should make this a poll.
  20. Ok, I increased the message limit for registerd users to 100.
  21. SuperDan


    Alex, If you need test car for fitting a RB25DET in I know someone you can borrow one from
  22. I can't see, I CAN'T SEE... HELP, Im blind!
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