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Everything posted by SuperDan

  1. I think we are confusing terms here. "New / Recent" posts and "Unread" posts. New/recent posts can be seen by selecting one of the links above on the second nav bar ie: "Posts Last 2 Days" "Unread" posts are the ones that are bolded/highlighted and work just like your email client, they will stay bolded until you read or open the thread. If you want to clear the unread threads then you can do one of 2 things. 1. Open each thread so that it is reset.... not much fun or. 2. On the menu above select Quick Links > Mark Forums Read. The jist of it is, before we did the upgrade we were using the old way of marking forums as "UnRead". Most other forums also use this method (cookie based). Cookie based sucks because it is time based and is not an accurate way to show what threads are unread. Below is a list of the options, we are now using option 3. 1. Inactivity/Cookie Based (default) - once a user has been inactive for a certain amount of time (the value of the cookie timeout option) all threads and forums are considered read. Individual threads are marked as read within a session via cookies. This option is how most other forum software and all versions of vBulletin before 3.5 functioned. 2. Database (no automatic forum marking) - this option uses the database to store thread and forum read times. This allows accurate read markers to be kept indefinitely. However, in order for a forum to be marked read when all threads are read, the user must view the list of threads for that forum. This option is more space and processor intensive than inactivity-based marking. 3. Database (automatic forum marking) - this option is the same as a previous option, but forums are automatically marked as read when the last new thread is read. This is the most usable option for end users, but most processor intensive. Dan
  2. I have seen worse. That sounds about right. Expect it to be slow until around wed or thurs of this week. No.
  3. SuperDan


    Is working again.
  4. Had to be the 1st to use it!
  5. If you checked the remember me box during login and never use the logout link I think the session lifetime is something like 7 years. Start here with clearing your cookies. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=108718
  6. Let's start here -> http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=108718
  7. Let's start here -> http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=108718
  8. Nevermind, I found it. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=65774&highlight=turbo What a newb
  9. You wanna see something real funny? Find Tim240Z's first post, youll laugh your *** off.
  10. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=64881 Oldest one that I know of.
  11. Asks for your password everytime? Something is not right. Try this. 1. Logout of the forums. 2. Surf to some other site. 3. Clear your cookies and file cache. 4. Come back to the site and login thru the "forums" login.
  12. Anyways, yes the ads should be auto-expiring and I thought I set that up allready. Need to look into it some. Dan
  13. It's posted at the top of every forum. See above, not sure it could be any clearer. Ok, it is only a 14 day wait, since you are past that time you should not be having a problem. What is the problem? Error codes? Throw me a bone dude. Dan
  14. Yep, just waiting for the dust to settle after the upgrade. I will add it back later this week if no new problems pop up.
  15. Well, I like things structured, compartmentalized and organized. Even if a forum only had 10 posts in it but the subject matter is specialized and correct I think it should be kept. So it begs the question, why should we condense? What are the benefits?
  16. Chill, im not jumping you. There is a problem and I have been working on it so my question to everyone is, any better now?
  17. Fixed, http compression problem:icon56: thanks
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