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  1. The secon airdam you posted is most likely from Japan. If you look at the Zs from Star Road or Rocky Auto (the Zs with airdam without brake ducts) they have similar airdams.
  2. Interested but I would need pricing first.
  3. I would say...save a few grands for that. I believe that is from Arita Speed? I may be wrong.
  4. Saw this ad in a magazine. I looked at the website but they refer you to your local performance shop. Has anyone been able to buy from anywhere? also saw this ad for datsun driveshafts (wolfckreekracing.com)! pretty cool if you ask me.
  5. Makaofox, Californian mirrors? Who's the maker?
  6. Borg Warner only came on the last year turbo ZX if I remember correctly.
  7. Do you have Vitaloni Californians? Or a Californian style mirror? Where did you buy it from? Thanks!
  8. You're just going to have to settle with what is out there. What will the Z be used for mainly?
  9. It will clear suspension but may not clear the fenders if you are at a lower height than stock..
  10. That was it? NICE! haha. Have you had a chance to do a 1/4 mile run yet? How do you think the car was running with the previous setup w/stock turbo?
  11. JPNGarage, Do you happen to have photos of a staggered setup on a car?
  12. You said that when you first bought the car, it had overheating issues. I don't remember reading what you did to remedy that. What was the cause?
  13. I've heard that the original or OEM fender mirrors have great visibility. I guess I will be asking owners at the next Z meet I go to.
  14. Thank you Miles, just the answer I was looking for. Is the visibility pretty good on the replacements you got? I've seen some cheap mirrors in the past and the mirrors are either horrible, distorted, or have horrible blind spots. And thank you all for the suggestions.
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