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jacky4566 last won the day on December 13 2016

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    Calgary, AB

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  1. You can fit anything under that hood. Seen some V10s even. Biggest problem is the sump location. So just make sure you measure it all out.
  2. WHY ARE YOU YELLING! If you have a fuel regulator they usually have a test port.
  3. Neat! Ya i would also ask what material. PLA does not have the same heat tolerance as ABS. In a covered environment you shouldn't need to worry about UV too much so thats good. Also, be sure to check out mu writeup for the Jeep CAS sensor if anyone else wants a CAS.
  4. Doesnt look that hard to me. Just graft the chassis onto a truck chassis But really. The chassis is just not setup for it. Biggest issue is the frame rails are right in the way. It just wasn't built for it. Still going sub. Good luck!
  5. Good luck! You might be able to fit a 4BT but diesels are BIG heavy engines. I have also dreamed of a diesel classic but I was going to use an old caddy or dodge. Your going to have a harder time than me an my dream for a V12! You might be better off with a late 260/280. They use thicker gauge steel and will handle the torque better. Also a heavy engine is going to destroy the weight distribution and require some front suspension upgrades.
  6. Bump. I totally forgot about my Aliexpress account. This was their reply way back 2016-07-30.
  7. Search is on the left hand side bud Each has thier place. Facebook is good for quick noob answer, What size is this bolt.. How do i blank...what is X... While HybridZ is better for in depth discussion. Tutorials and engineering discussions.
  8. Base maps aren't really needed anymore. Use the VE generator to get a start and then VEAL to get a 95% map.
  9. I don't really understand your question here? If your looking for a speed sender i'm quite sure the GM style electrons sender will screw onto the early nissan transmissions. This is what you want.
  10. Welcome to the Forum. Ztherapy.com is your place for SU carbs. Idk where you are but JimZ in Calgary is your man if you need help or parts. Jim Karst z240@shaw.ca
  11. Still here. Facebook is good but the forum has its place for long term documentation of how to do shit.
  12. The bolts are in single shear here. The load is between the diff and the mounting plate. The cover isnt providing any load bearing capacity. None the less I don't see any structural problem with this setup. Should be plenty strong. The double end seal under twisting and bending forces will be trickier. Spitsnaugle I know its more work but maybe you want to have the machined put in a grove on both seals to hold more RTV, or even get a custom gasket made / "Cut your own" gasket.
  13. Did a little bit of looking at the Merc M120. It certainly acoustically sounds better than the Toyota but has the same problems. Its a front sump with the pump under the engine. Also there is no easy/documented manual swaps. Not sure where to source that engine, they appear more rarely than the GZ. Also, Merc parts $$$ :/ Ill add it to my list for further research.
  14. Yea the problem with that grannyknot is the pump is also mounted in the pan :/ See this image. But i also dont have one of these engines yet so ive yet to know the final fitment.
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