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Everything posted by ULISES

  1. Thanks man! Its nice to hear it run but its not ready to hit the road yet.
  2. My car is @ home now, I will have to do brakes and gauges, Mike is doing the axles. The dash came out today and I have headlights now, I need to make my turn signals work.Brakes should be on by this thursday.I will take the gas tank out and have it cleaned.
  3. here are my cam specs and i have jtr headers on it. Camshaft - 228"/230" .576"/.595" 114LSA video http://videos.streetfire.net/video/eca13c28-6ef2-4e48-949b-edba7b82503f.htm
  4. Joey just finished hes exhaust on his LS1 He did the same set up as I did on the LS2, Its a 3 inch going to a single 3 1/2 one resonator and a magnaflow 3 1/2 muffler. I think they sound very nice! We both are running mild cams and they have to do alot with the sound too.There is a video of my car running, but its inside a garage and sounds so loud,I should have some ouside video this weekend.
  5. Very nice! I can't wait to go for the first drive. I had the same problem on the turbo festiva,the belt was loose and I had poor coil power.Hard to believe how something like this will affect power.oh well everyday you learn something new.
  6. Should be nice to see the numbers on a carbed LS2 Engine!
  7. Welcome! I believe we had met over @ ls1tech.
  8. I don' know exactly what mike had to modify.He or Joey can answer your question better than I can.
  9. Johns car kit was used with the LS2, I believe there is no difference on the LS1 and LS2 engines.Mike did modify the kit but it had nothing to do with then engine being a LS2.I think Joey had to modify He's and he has a LS1. Mike said He is trying to finish it by this sunday but its up to him and He's free time.He needs to install all tha guages,Willwood front brakes and axles.
  10. I just played the video and its working now.
  11. Here is the video, I guess its going to show bad quality when it finishes optimazing,I didnt know I already had film on this tape.When the video showed Joey He was pressing the correct gas pedal.... http://videos.streetfire.net/video/61a28e71-891f-4d9b-ab40-dea41e46a4b0.htm
  12. We went to turn on the car @ Mike's Place this sunday.It feels good to hear it run after almost 7 months of waiting.I want to thank John and Joey they have helped Mike alot on the swap.We had a great time, My bro and Mike made put my finger on one of the cables to check on spark....lol.....I knew the result and I did it anyways.The funny part is that my brother had to test it one more time and he got the same but jumped like 2 feet away....I have a video but im not @ home right now so I can't upload the video right now. Thanks
  13. I have seen the classic fords (70 to ??) came in king cab or 4 doors I know I have seen them here in the bay.There is a really nice one for sale two blocks from were I live but its a single cab.
  14. http://www.ourlighterside.com/stuff/engineer/
  15. I guess he used some sort of oil to get it going @ first and you can also see that there is some loose gravel.
  16. Make sure you guys get it on film......Lets have a competition!
  17. Talk about HP...lol A must see video!
  18. Like I said Mexico went home, Both teams played good!
  19. I thinks Joyes car was a little over 2900 with the LS1 full interio,rollbar,heavy 280Zbumpers and a sound system.
  20. Yeah! Mexico is going home.....lol
  21. I sold them to a friend with the condition not to sell them to anyone other than me.....I guess i wouldnt go back to them though they are only 14''. That copper color was not original either, it was a nice color too. I think the first thing to go off a 280Z are the bumpers they are huge and really heavy, I think they weigh close if not more than 100lbs.
  22. Hey Guys, I was going through my stuff and found some pictures of my 280Z before going in the body shop to get painted and some process pictures.I thought I should do an update on how my car used to look before doing any body work.I have no engine picture but I know you guys know how a 2.8 inline looks like on our 280Z cars look like.So here it goes!
  23. Here is the link to the shop that built that Northstar powered VW, He has built some nice cars,This was the guy who inspired my brother and I to build the turbo festiva! http://www.cwstuning.com/gallery/albums.php?set_albumListPage=1
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