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Posts posted by Warren

  1. According to the wiring diagram for the 78, you should have 2 white with black stripe wires and 2 green wires. The two white with black stripes are for the Neutral and Park switch and the two are green ones for the reverse lights. The bullet connectors only go one way. You cannot hook them up incorrectly. Males go to females and females go to males.



  2. Varying the speeds on the interstate just keeps things from getting locked into place, things like the gas pedal, and your right foot (some cars don't have cruise control) and also relieves fatigue (the human kind). It has no real effect on much of anything performancewise, just keeps the trip from being so monotinous...those Texas and New Mexico deserts can be mentally challenging after a few hours.

  3. It's NOT stupid, it's doable, if you know how to maintain your car! Car had 198,000 miles on it.


    Oak Harbor, WA, just north of Seattle, to Philiadelphia, PA via San Diego, New Orleans & Atlanta... 1974 Datsun 260Z, December 2, to December 6, 1982...pulling a motorcycle trailer with a bike on it....next?


    Advice: Take your time, don't play speed racer, vary the speeds on the interstates and change your oil and filter before the trip and after.



  4. Dale,


    I sure hope so, if I can quit being sidetracked by other stuff, it shouldn't be a problem. I'd like to get it ready in the next few days to be able to make a few shakedown runs with the new tranny & shifter arrangement. Between work and other projects, I'm about tapped out for time, but I'm gonna have to make some time to get the car done, that's all there is to it.



  5. No need to break into the car to get the code...it's stamped into the housing of the passenger door lock. Remove the panel, and the lock, then read the code. Take that to your local automotive locksmith and have him make a key for you. BINGO. Done.

  6. And everybody thought that "PC" stood for "Personal Computer"...in reality it stands for "Procrastination Center".


    I am guilty as well, here lately, I'm spending approximately 6 to 8 hours a day, sometimes more, online, chatting, surfing, researching, etc... It's ridiculous to think of how much time I've wasted. Oh well...at least I'm not the only one.

  7. Yes, they are still available. An automotive locksmith will either have them in stock, or know where to buy them. I'm not trying to make this difficult, but most locksmith supply shops won't sell to the general public. There is a guy on Zcar.com called "ZmanofWashington" that rebuilds them if you send them to him. He's somewhere near seattle if I recall. His prices are a little high, but that's just MY opinion.


    I gave up on rebuilding them simply because most of the time when someone would send them to me, they were JUNK, with broken tailpiece retainer parts or just plain worn out, or corroded so bad that bead-blasting them doesn't even help. New locks are too cheap to buy (for the locksmith) to even worry about the old junk. They can be keyed to an existing key and match whatever other locks are on the car.



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