So my brother was driving my 74 260Z and got pulled over for speeding. On top of the speeding ticket the cop wrote another ticket for modified and/or removed emission equipment (27516 B VC) So i went to a state ref to ask what specifically needs to be done to get the vehicle cleared for use again. The ref said there is nothing He can do for me since its a pre 75 vehicle and to talk to the judge. Doesn't seem right since at my first arraignment the judge said if have to go to the state ref. I have an appointment with the judge tomorrow to get clarity on what needs to be done to fix this. And to top it off the ticket has the sticker on the back that says must be signed off by State ref.
For context the 260Z has triple mikuni 40s, 3-2 header, MSD ignition box, aftermarket fuel pressure regulator (thats all in the engine bay that the officer would have been able to see) So if they say revert back to stock Im prolly just gonna sell it.