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Everything posted by z-REX

  1. just gotta wonder... does she put her bra on right?
  2. absolutely, without a doubt, some of the dumbest $hit i've ever seen. true "enthusiasts" are lining up.
  3. wait a minute... does pa have strip clubs?? happy b'day- now go look at naked women.
  4. z-REX

    Blew It Up!!!

    oh, please keep it!!! i want to see that monster get built
  5. now i feel like a moron. you came from new mexico and i couldn't make a measly drive up from new york? i'm a loser. (self-loathing immediately over.)
  6. good time for color sanding... you're already half-wasted from exhaustion so the swirling paint dust shouldn't get you too bad..... know how you feel though. i pulled my tank, fuel pump and the old lines today so i'm high on gas fumes. feels grrrr-eat!
  7. last i saw, msa sold them. i have to say though that i've heard enough negatives about their body parts that i'm a little iffy on recommending them. but my buddy chris has a set on his turbo l6.......
  8. z-REX

    floor pans

    damn. good thing they don't say anything about new yorkers....
  9. pete.. i didn't get to go, unfortunately. the money i would've spent on the trip up there i decided was better served by using it for my project; that way i might actually be able to bring it to z-functions. it was a hard decision because i really wanted to meet up with some of you guys and check out your rides. soon.....
  10. z-REX


    the fury the original post caused only demonstrates how much hardcore members care about our site. that said, there's nothing like raising a few eyebrows here and there. sometimes you just have to make sure people are paying attention. note to self..... call paulie in the morning to cancel the whacking.
  11. z-REX

    floor pans

    bwd... full metal jacket!!! the best war movie ever made IMO. also, there was the primus song sgt. baker that used the same line. but my wife was born in texas.... can't use that line anymore.
  12. http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=26366 scroll down to rick bowers' post,(speeder), and read the first part. tell me something... is this what we want to have happen to our site? i think i've said enough.
  13. it might seem strange, coming from myself who is by no means a longtime member, and for this i apologize in advance. however, i thought that hybridz.org was started up as a place for open- minded discussion of all things pertaining to the enhancement beyond stock of the z-family of automobiles. and seeing as how a hybrid is truly defined as any combination of enhancement that expands the parameters and capabilities of the stock car, wouldn't any exclusionary measure such as the one suggested in the beginning of this thread be a reverse form of the same elitist purism that this site was started to avoid in the first place? i know that was one long sentence, but one that i felt needed to be said. much love to everyone.
  14. my west coast jealousy continues..... ...having thoughts of bringing that look east!!!! even my wife thought those were cool.
  15. ...and i'm inclined to say probably move a little too..
  16. kyle, i think i need new underwear. which one of the kits are those from? by the way, i still think you're nuts if you don't use those rims
  17. alan, the rest of us only think we own a bit of automotive history. you, on the other hand, truly do. you're a lucky man.
  18. alan, any links you could post to pics of a 432-R? i had never heard of one and being a connaisseur of all things z, i'm quite intrigued. thanks for the info on the formula 'busa.... all i can say is at 26k sign me up! now where do i put that car seat?
  19. i've been hearing alot about this hayabusa formula car, anyone have a link to info about it?
  20. note to self.... bolt in new seats so wife can't reach pedals.....
  21. damn dude. and i thought i couldn't shake my 11-month old.
  22. hey, wasn't there just a discusson about this? now that's gotta be entirely for performance. it's either that or proof that one should not drop a hit of acid before choosing a body kit. worse comes to worse, he could put a piece of rope on both ends of that thing and use it to dry his laundry while driving.
  23. the wife might be pissed for a while.... but dude! it's jesse james! y'know, doodoo like that never happens where i live!!! my advice.... you're a guy. you have a sneakiness instinct that is born into all of us. who cares what the little lady thinks.... get to know that neighbor!!!!!!!who knows... one thing leads to another and you might score some jesse james rims for your z!!!!
  24. man, what's stopping you? those look incredible on your car!!!!
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