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Posts posted by clint78z

  1. The track model should be just that no A/C, or any other useless junk, sound insulation who needs it. Problem is the godammed jounarlists who take these things out want all this crap in the car. I do hear the torsional stiffness is like anything in it's category. There are many prototypes for turbos already in the works from HKS, Greddy, you can bet this car is going to have toys.


    Rather spend my money on the old Zed myself.

  2. Yes Mustangs are great bang for the buck, excellent aftermarket backing too. You can jam stiff springs in it and wide tires and make it handle and stick pretty decent. However you will not get the road compliance of the Z's wonderful suspension, and the Z will be alot more liveable around town. I hear the Z has amazing balance of power, braking, handling. Sometimes the paper doesn't quite tell whole picture.


    Personally I have to drive a car for a while in order to make a decision if I like it. The Tiburon is a huge winner, trying despirately to gain credibility.


    Who leaves a turbo car at stock boost settings anways???

  3. Going to the gym is a very healthy thing to do, I started out in the weight room. It is a bit intimidating. One thing a fell in love with is running, it can be done anywhere, solo, or group.

    It produces a natural mood boosting drug called endorphines. This is highly addictive for some ppl, but usually leads to a very healthy lifestyle. Runners are possibly one of the most supportive crowds out there. I have been personally been cheered over the line by the race leader on more than one occasion.


    Don't expect to jump right in and become a speed demon. Gradually work into it, and you will be amazed by the results. Don't worry skinny guys are usually fast !!


    I hated running during school, now I am training for my 3rd marathon. A pooch makes a good running partner, and is fun to have around the house.

  4. Ferarri is an exclusive club, and they want to keep it that way. Unfortunately there are some real jerks with mucho $$ and power, that get off on putting ppl with lesser money down in order to feel important or special.


    They feel real stupid when they see someone can build a kit that looks better than there $100k ferrari. I think the majority is envy. It's just too close to the real thing, I think it fantastic that more ppl can enjoy that classic beauty.


    One thing I find cool about Jay Leno is that he always drives ever car he has. A true enthusiast!!

  5. Had a propane vehicle in the family for quite some time. It usually gets a bad wrap from fear of unknown. It is a pressurized liquid in tank form. Yes it must be inspected and installed with all proper fittings. It also must be certifed every couple of years. It is really no more dangerous than a leaky gas tank on a car, if the tank is being heated from a fire it turns into a little bomb yes. The heating value is a bit different yes, but it runs at a bit different a/f ratio. In the end on a well setup mixer/regulator you will drop only a couple mpg. It is cheaper and cleaner on the engine. Higher octane and lower inlet temps because when it flashes to a gas it pulls heat out from the air.


    I think the main hurdle using it in a High performance car is getting precise fuel metering.

  6. Tim the motor looks good on paper, and should yield even better numbers while being even more reliable. The increase in compression should yield around 8:1 with flatops.


    I don't get it something is wrong with either the rebuild. Or you have fuel/igntion issues.


    I believe the fuel pump can be tested by disconnecting the fuel return. Appling say 15-20psi to the fuel regulator. Then you let the pump run into a bucket for 1 minute. Measure the fuel volume in bucket convert to cc's. Now you have fuel pump flow in cc's/min. Divide by 6 to give you how much it can supply to each injector. Hopefulley it is at least above 500cc/min. The injectors will have to be removed cleaned and tested.


    You have a long way to come collect a beer cheers.gif Your engine definately needs a tear down and freshen up.


    It is a good idea to try and find the problem now, it will save $$ in the long run.

  7. It is possible to be getting incorrect timing from the DFI if the distributor lockdown came loose. If you throw a timing light on it, it should match the number on the screen. This happened a couple of times with my homade jobbie for adjusting the timing.


    Mabey try and look for a new shop to test fuel pump & injectors volume flow at pressure.


    You should be pounding out the same numbers as Shane on his stock block.

  8. I doubt that they would put in the old rings after broken piston mishap. When a piston goes south the rings usually bust on the edges. The loud pop was detontation and took out your rings. I would definately try and find out what caused the bang and fix that before go on with another rebuild.


    Either you are getting not enough fuel momentarly or incorrect igntion timing or poor spark is causing this.

  9. Logging the fuel pressure seems like a good idea to me, since it is critical to the engine not blowing up.


    Logging 50g's capability, I realize you car is fast but keep dreaming BLKMGK :D


    You can always take your voltage from sensor and use an analog to digital converter ADC for you AEM computer.

  10. I think your skills are above mine in this area, however I think I can follow along pretty well. Most of the stuff we did is just with op amps and mostly analog. My programming is pretty decent although limited to engineering software devlopment, never done I/O from ports.


    The new cards with Basic software are killer, and much simpler than it used to be. The new one you picked looks pretty swank.


    So let me try and work this out in my head you, it's been a while and digital is a little rusty. take a 0-5v reading from MAF to an 8bit ADC. So this has a ribbon wire of 8 wires displaying 0 or 1 on each of these lines. The speed at which this is done is determined by the ADC.


    Then you use a PIC microcontroller which takes the 8bit digital signal from the ADC. Can you explain to me in general about the 3 wire serial protocol, and how info gets from the microcontroller to the program variables.


    How are you doing you graphing just a dump into a text file, then import into excel ?? I have not any serial I/O however I did save this little tidbit because I knew enough that it would be useful later on. http://www.ontrak.net/visual.htm


    Very intresting subject, I hope to understand more of it.

  11. I do find this type of stuff intresting, I snoop the DIY EFI website all the time.


    In order to determine the chip speed you would need is going to take a little calculation before you select something as far as a chip.


    Now looking at the new DFI software the logging is set for a default of 10samples per second and has 6 channel capability, you may want only four. That would mean the chip would have to take a reading from a sensor every .025sec minimum.


    Just to give you a little background I have taken an instrumentation & electronics class before, we didn't go super deep into the digital stuff however I have a base knowledge of it. I have take Visual Basic, and I am about to take a C programming course.


    I can go over some of your stuff and mabey offer suggestions. What type of program is used to take the values from the ADC through the comm port??


    Piggybacking the ECU is probably the best way to go. Simply manipulating the AFM wires to give desired fuel curve. Take MAF wires as input voltage to your chip, then send a digital signal to an DAC to old AFM wires on the Nissan ECU.


    I don't think you want to go into actual switching of injectors, you are opening a huge can of worms there. That is way over my head.

  12. I see datalogging has got your noodle smokin too. I find it very intresting, we can definately discuss any issues you are having and where you want to go with your project.


    RPM is a definate must for the engine, it will help sort out fuel maps.


    Map pressure isn't nessary if you already have MAF, however mabey you want this in the package since it is cheap and offers less restriction. It will be more calculation for you.

    I suggest a GM map sensor available at any junkyard 0-5v 1bar. If you have turbo vehicle go to a jobber and order one for an 88 sunfire turbo this is a 2bar sensor.


    I would have to say tuning on your graph looks OK, at high airflow O2 voltage hovers around .7-.8v. Then at low air flow O2 voltage drops which is good. Of course you need other info to determine what's really going on.


    What type of I/O card are you using for logging, how is the software ??


    Questions fire away !!

  13. Dumb geocities I linked it before and worked, I even previewed after the post and it looked good. Yes indeed BLMGK your observations are very good. The right axis has yellow O2 voltage, and the other has RPM and MAP Pressure.


    Yes there are some fustrating things mostly limitations that the book does not go into. This is an old system and is slower chip speed than the new ones. The main problem most ppl have is they try to datalog log too many things at a time, and the system can't handle it. Pick 3 or mabey 4 vital variables to log, that way the resolution on those variables is better (no missing gaps). The book should tell you that and it doesn't. You could even log windshield washer fluid temp BLK ;):D


    Here's a hint for graphing quickly with Excel

    1)bring in a log

    2) Set up an intial graph, scale everything

    3) When you do another log make it excatly same variables.

    4) Paste the new log over the old one and it will update the graph for your new run.

    5) If for example you did 3 or 4 chart setup initially, just paste you new logs in everything will update automatically.


    It is a bit more farting around but will function every bit as good as the more expensive ones. I will probably make a program in Excel to give a playback in realtime, but that's down the road.


    I am quite pleased having payed $350 for my DFI, and still be able to datalog. I like the logging feature, it is much safer than trying to drive and look at the screen.

  14. Well I pulled my first datalog of the DFI on friday. It just gives you a txt file with values, but that can be imported to excel very easily. The resolution isn't on par with Tec II, and scaling the graphs is a bit of a pain. Luckily I am good with programming excel, which will make reading these datalogs much easier in furture.


    Here's my log, as you can see it probably could stand to be running a tad richer, the dip is injector cutting of fuel when throttle is lifted.

    The NPR intercooler kept temp below 50F, it was pretty chilly that day.


  15. I started out at like twinturbo.net and spam & flame wars intruded, then I was probably one of the very few that started posting on zcar.com before it got it's name. I asked 240turbo so much information about turbo's it was insane, then after all the free info I finally bought his old turbo. It began to grow and went through some pains as well, with bored ppl wasting bandwidth. It's still pretty decent.


    I must say that I really love the control here, and seen so much design and engineering go through this board. There is enough room for a good joke & humour, but I don't have to sift through garbage to find something.


    It's like staying at someones house with alot of hospitality, all are welcome to stay if they respect the rules.

  16. Not sure why the bolts backed out, that suxs. There are several different types of Loctite. There is stuff that will almost weld the bolt in. There are options as far as washers that meant for bolts that are prone to backing out. Might be worth a little investigation.

  17. I am pleased to report the car runs like a champ now. It was the plastic injector base that was cracked and the one fuel injector was not sealing properly. It's a friggin madman on the freeway, I had to tell my roomate to slow down he was doing like 90mph in a blink of an eye.


    I am very pleased with low rpm response with the T3/T04E-57mm and stage III but .63 a/r. Things are still limited to 4400rpm and 7psi boost right now for break in. Thanx to everyone for all there help. It is done just in time to park it for the winter cry2.gif

  18. Just one observation I have about Honda springs, some companies I have seenn make for a very dangerous package on the road. The total spring length is so damned short, as soon as the car hits a bump it stacks all the coils together and bottoms out. This can totally upset the cars handling, especially with a young rookie driver thinks his new lower honda is super trick with new suspension.

  19. Don't buy Holley, MSD, paxton ... or any of those other ones with fancy pants anodizing on them. They are louder than hell, have poor suction characteristics, and aren't meant for continous use.


    Get Pierberg, Walbro, or Bosh. They are quiet, reliable, and have more lift, and will outlast all other pumps by far, oh yeah and they are cheaper.

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