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Everything posted by Phyte

  1. I've been looking for an alternative to ebay, and it seems like this is the place to be. A lot of people are upset with the raised fee's from ebay including me. My wife does a ton of business on ebay, but has now switched to bidzig.com. The site was supposed to go live on Feb 1st, but the word got out and people have been signing up and posting auctions like nuts! Almost 200 since last night. Check it out if your tired of ebay like we are. Phyte
  2. Just an FYI with onclickpix you can link the image like this http://www.onclickpix.com/15853 The url, then the image id Phyte
  3. You need a place to host your photos online. I personally run one of these sites at http://www.onclickpix.com . It's $10 a year and allows you to upload up to 1000 photos and remote link those to anywhere. It even includes popular forum tags. All you have to do is copy/paste the link into this forum and your pics will show! Phyte
  4. Well, nevermind. The guy that wanted it last month came by tonight to pick it up. Good bye Z world Phyte
  5. Actaully yes. The L28 and 5speed are coming out tomorrow, and my pops already has an Lt1 with a ZZ4 cam ready for it next year when I start working on it again Phyte
  6. Here's a recent pic Phyte
  7. About 20 16-20 year old kids telling me they have to sell their car first, or they have $1600 now and can they pay the rest of the next year.. that kind of interest I actually had a couple guys back out because they wanted a race car, and they didn't want to cut mine up cause it was too nice.. LOL.. I drove it back from the park n sell the other day and it was just too much fun. I don't want to start over again on another car in a year either. Phyte
  8. I decided to store my Z for a year or so, instead of selling it. I'm going to take the L28/5speed out and trailor it up to KS to my folks shed(70x90, two story shed ). When I complete these 6 projects I'll have time again to work on it. I'm so happy. Phyte
  9. Just a bump. New price of $3500 takes it all including L28et and parts for swap. Phyte
  10. Just a bump. a FREE account is now available as a trial. The hybridz promo code will only be active for one more week! Phyte
  11. UPDATE There is now a free trial account! The trial account will support about 80-100 of your digital photos! http://www.onclickpix.com My new digital photo hosting website is now live. Certain forums I belong to have a promo code to get the 300 package at the 100 price. For $1.99 setup and $.99 a month you get 300mb worth of harddrive space and 300mb worth of monthly transfer. This package on average will support about 1500 of your digital photos and serve about 9000 photos a month. All for less then a buck a month. Check out the image tools I've written to modify your photos. They're badass.. Ok hybridz special promo code is: hybridz-ocp Type this promo code in the promo code box on the signup process and you'll get the above mentioned rates. Don't go sharing this promo code on other sites If you have any questions about the site email me at jmartin@sitesfor.com or use the contact form on onclickpix.com P.S. there are already several members of OCP here and I'm sure they'll chime in on what kind of deal this is Phyte
  12. Thats his backpack that the car comes to rest on. He's in the middle of all the papers at about a 45° angle from where he got hit. He survived. Phyte
  13. Got a great deal on it at about 300 over dealer wholesale(blackbook, I have a dealer friend) and about 3400 under blue book(which is always high anyway). This will be a nice DD. Its a limited with everyhing including leather. Phyte
  14. Another beheaded american. This is just going to get worse. http://www.lockheedmartin.com Phyte
  15. Am I the only one that doesn't find him funny?
  16. My 260 is forsale. It comes with a ready to build L28et turbo motor. You could build it with the stock T3 that it has, put a nice I/C in and turn the boost up to 15psi. I've seen that net 12.7's on early Z's. I'm asking $4000 for everything, and for another thousand you'd have your 12 second car. http://hybridz.org/nuke/modules.php?op=modload&name=zClassifieds&file=detail&cat=54&de=461 Phyte
  17. Thats a horrible photochop Phyte
  18. I've seen on here 388rwhp put down on stock ecu with a t03/04. Not sure what psi he was running, but he said it was getting dangerously lean. He runs 350rwhp reliably though. Also I've seen posts where a guy was running 25psi on a "uncracked" junkyard motor for over two years but he was running SDS. Phyte
  19. http://hybridz.org/nuke/modules.php?op=modload&name=zClassifieds&file=detail&cat=54&de=461 I explained in the description why I'm selling. I just landed a huge side job that is going to last for atleast 6 months. I've always wanted a MKIV Supra and now is that time. Someone give her a good home. Phyte
  20. One of the many I got at autozone, yes one had the inlet on the side, outlet on the top with a spot for the pressure switch. Austin Rebuilders specializes in A/C and I guarantee they have what your looking for. They have a large warehouse FULL of older A/C componants. Their contact information is Austin Rebuilders 505 W Oltorf St, Austin, TX 78704 (512) 448-0884 Good luck. Phyte
  21. I know I'm talking to myself here but its fixed. I had forgot to tighten the two bolts on the side of the york. I swear I tightened them when it was on the bench.. ehh.. stupid mistake. Blowing cold! Phyte
  22. I just can't win. I got everything hooked up, and there was a vacuum leak at the compressor. Quick trip to autozone for a gasket and that was fixed. Vac'd it down and everything looked good. Put freon in and it blew cold! Three hours later all the freon is gone.. damn.. I guess my next step is to put some dye in the system and look for the leak and fix it.. man this is getting frustrating. Phyte
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