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Everything posted by rustrocket

  1. tough choice...they're probably equal eachother as far as high maintenance goes.
  2. Terry - Do you still have the seat? If so, are you looking to get rid of it?
  3. I think i might go for the kirkey, as they seem a little more cost effective and comfortable from what i've heard. Preith - Does the seat get uncomfortable on longer distances? Do you know about how much thr seat weighs? Terry - Did you have the road race seat?
  4. For my project triumph spitfire, i'm looking for a driver's seat. I've been looking at the Kirkey Intermediate Road Race Seat and the Ultra Shield Pro or Deluxe road race seats. Has anybody has any experience with these? This car is not going to be a daily driver, more for track events and flogging the backroads somewhere. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. maybe this has been mentioned before too.... http://www.ls1miata.com it was for sale last month i think on ebay, and a couple months before on craiglsist.
  6. Is there a formula to determine the necesaary free length of the springs when simultaneously lowering your car and increasing stiffness? I'm sure there's one out there, but i just havent found it and i hate math. Thanks.
  7. If this posting is so stupid, why lower yourself to such a level by replying?
  8. New milk promo: http://www.killsometime.com/Pictures/images/Janet-Jackson-Got-Milk.jpg
  9. Is a triple mikuni 40 setup including k&n's and linkage/cannon manifold for $500 worth it?
  10. That car looks like sex! good sex too. Seems like a reasonable price, if i only had the money.
  11. Believe it or not, after seeing this post yesterday, i saw a car exactly like this driving around Campbell. It was primer gray and had that same ugly top up, totally threw off the agressive look the car is known for. I thought about racing the guy in my '84 Volvo 242 DL, but i didnt want to embarass him in front of his girlfriend.
  12. Dr. Technology strikes again! http://www.craigslist.org/pen/mcy/77196100.html Sweeeet
  13. I'm looking for a 2+row aluminum downflow radiator measuring 17" tall by 19" wide. Does anybody know of anything close to this and where i can find it? This is for my other project car. -Rustrocket edit: my other project car is a triumph, not a datsun.
  14. i know this might be old news for some, but i just found out. For those of you that saw your first set of pixellated boobs in Leisure Suit Larry... Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude is the coming of age story about Larry Lovage, nephew of Larry Laffer, the series' original lovable loser. In Magna Cum Laude, Lovage starts as a pathetic loser enrolled at Community College who spends most of his time in his dorm room, or on campus striking out with women. After hearing about a reality TV dating show visiting his college campus, he resolves to revitalize his life and win. Over the course of the game, Larry sets out on an epic search for love (or its equivalent) and finds that things don't always go as planned. http://www.leisuresuitlarry.com
  15. I'll substantially overpay him via cashiers check or money order, and ask him to return the balance to me when my client's carrier picks up the car. Think he'll go for it?
  16. What kind of wheels are those?
  17. Clifton , if i remember correctly here's his website: http://www.geocities.com/clifton_ragland/Z.html
  18. Found this on Collegehumor.com , it made me kinda sad for some reason, i think it's the song. http://www.collegehumor.com/?movie_id=155118
  19. My car is a '73 Triumph Spitfire. Have you used the VB stuff? They have the necessary items for me to do mine.
  20. For those of you who don't DIY, who do you use for reupholstering your seats? My new project car is in dire need of seats, and i'd rather keep make them new again vs. buying something new and fancy. Somebody in the SF bay area would be preferred, but all places considered. Thanks for your help.
  21. Yasin - Do you know where i might be able to find one of these? All i need is a core or two.
  22. rustrocket


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