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Posts posted by e_racer1999

  1. Has anyone built a dash from carbon fiber? would look great and be light weight too. There must be a company doing this?


    i think that CF for a dash would n't be ideal because if the dash is shiny it will reflect the sun's light into our eyes, either directly or reflecting off of the windshield


    and that suede looks NICE

  2. I do not care if I live to be 120 years old and see the day where all automobiles left are powered by Mr. Fusion.. that image will ALWAYS mean "horsepower" to me.



    A thing of beauty is a Joy, Forever.




    this is a great thread; i'm glad to see so much coming out about [insert company name here]'s CAI box, as i was considering getting one. guess i'll have to wait until the USD heads back up before i think about the CF one, though :)

  3. ya, if anything the extra lift (read: drag) would give worse fuel economy. think about it; smoother aerodynamics allow the air to flow around (above, etc) the car. the majority of the work that the engine is doing at speed is fighting the effects of the air/wind that is trying to remain in place (as an example, think of water. a blade running through water will gi faster with less work than a blade with anything, ANTHING attached to it... well, besides a motor :)). with that example in mind, anything that is going to be added on to a vehicle to alter lift, etc will incrase drag unless it's used to smooth out transitions.


    at least that's with my admittedly limited knowledge on the subject...

  4. Why do they mount the fuel cells so high? Wouldn't you want the center of gravity lower? Espcially for racing.


    that's a MODEL!


    i was like... something looks a little off.... then i looked at the engine and i was like, that looks like one piece.... wait a sec...

  5. totally awesome thread guys.


    i may be off base with this, and i may be foolish for asking, but in regards to the coolest cooling medium and which places it should go to: how about the coolant entering in more than one place? like it splits from the radiator (or electrical pump) and goes to 2 inputs: one to the head and one to the block? i realize that it might be a bear ensuring that one doesn't counteract the other and it may cause eddies, but with enough fabrication it might work....

  6. sounds like what happened to the one i am STILL trying to get they are the original owners and drove it mostly throught the 70's to 1989 (when i was born) and let it sit in their garage till it was moved to where its at now. btw i only am going to pay 100$ for mine


    *cozy z cole* says i didnt answer the question so


    0$-3000$ or part it out


    that should help a little...


    i HATE it when i miss a word when i type. then i go back and look at it and think "wtf was i saying??" :)

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