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Everything posted by hunterzed

  1. We can get those front air dams in Australia for $AU700. Not the cheapest but its pretty much the norm here.
  2. Ryan. Stop being lazy and SEARCH. I'm from Australia too and there is a whole bunch of info on Australian zed forums that can help you out. The cars are essentially the same and if you actually looked under your bonet (hood) you'd realise that the intake and exhaust are on the opposite side to our steering and brake/clutch systems. Like I said before, stop being lazy and getting everyone else to do your work for you.
  3. WOW. Thanks for posting that up. Amazing stuff.
  4. Using gas gives you a cleaner weld. You still need to set it up correctly and know how to use it so you don't blow holes in stuff. Simply changing to gas or TIG won't stop you blowing holes in the metal.
  5. do u have a picture of that front bumper?


    or somewhere where i could purchase one?

  6. I have that front bumper on my 280zx. It looks awesome. It'll look great when I put it on my black pearl car that I'm painting right now cause the red one was rear ended. You wouldn't believe the amount of people asked if they could have the front bumper when they heard I was stripping the car even though they new I had another shell to put it on. I'm getting a local guy here to make a mould from it along with my front fenders and hood so he can reproduce them for me in carbon fibre. I'll own the moulds too.
  7. If you do your research there are some cheaper brands that are made in the same factory and are in fact rebranded welders using some of the parent brands older technology. You can get some great bargains with very good results with one of these welders. You don't need to use gas but just remember that if you use flux core wire it isn't much different to using an arc welder. You'll still have slag on your welds and it will produce a larger spark shower than if you use argon gas. This will still produce a good weld and if the weld isn't cosmetic and can be cleaned up properly then there is no problem doing it this way. Just make sure that you reverse the polarity of the the leads that you connect to the piece that you're welding. So the earth lead becomes the positive if you use flux core wire and the gun is therefore the earth. Happy welding. Steve
  8. Let me say this once. REVERSE THE POLARITY OF THE LEADS IF YOU ARE USING FLUX CORE WIRE!!!!! If you don't do this it will spit and blow out the metal that you are welding and you will not get a proper weld. Oh and make sure you have a couple of spare nozzles for the gun. It'll clag up a lot quicker than using gas wire because of the flux slag.
  9. Name and shame so no one else has to deal with his crap and if you ever see him again let him know that you posted his details and a warning to stay away from him on every web forum that you could find. Guys like this shouldn't be in business. If it is a job that is too difficult for him he should have just told you so instead of being a complete dick.
  10. What I mean by this is that when you try and bleed your brakes all the fluid will flow out of any of the brake lines that are open and the reservoir will empty leaving no fluid for the other brakes. Hence connected.
  11. How have you got any brake pressure at all to the front then if you don't have any lines to the rear? The whole system is connected.
  12. Don't crimp or smash the hard line. You might burst it and that would create more problems cause you'd have no brakes at all and you might want to use the brake line at a later date. Just get some vice grips and crimp the flex lines to the wheels and then just tie them up out of the way with plastic zip ties. Old school line locker setup for burnouts.
  13. You say what a waste of talent, but do any of you know the back ground of this guy? Maybe he was asked to do this or maybe he was at the pub and made a drunken bet with his buddies. Whatever the reason and whatever your thoughts are on the chosen project. You can't deny that his engineering talent far exceeds most if not all of ours. Without people like this, we would all still be running around in the dark with a lump of wood to try and catch food let alone enjoying the feeling of cruising down the road with todays technology. I don't think his talent is wasted at all. I think that there are a lot of lessons that can be learned from his process and applied to a lot of other projects and maybe he'll inspire that someone who will revolutionise the motoring industry completely. I'm sure a lot of people said similar things about Henry Ford back in the day too.
  14. This thread should be in electical not L6 forum. But as for colour the best is 4300k which is the colour of sunlight but if you want to look cool and not worry about being able to see properly then 6000k will give you a blue tinge and higher up than that will give you a purple tinge. But as Jerryb wrote. You should check your state regulations.
  15. Here is a wide body kit specifically for the 2 seater 280zx in Cananda. Not sure if you guys have seen it before. http://www.showcars-bodyparts.com/280zx.html They also do a lot of parts for other zeds.
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