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Posts posted by Chewievette

  1. I want to see that episode but between not getting speed and having to work I cant watch it one way or the other. If someone can record and post that would be sweet , if not I'll have to keep an eye out for re-runs.

  2. I blame my fantastically crappy memory!! I swear!! Besides, it looks like crap right now. I'll spray the top camo and then take pics. Multi stage painting is annoying, but fun!! I'll be back on it either friday or saturday


    I need my computer back up and running!

  3. Congrats Pete S! It is infact a Fiat A.S.6 engine from the M.C.72. Basically two A.S.5 V12s put together, more power, same frontal area. The plane still holds the record for the worlds fastest piston sea plane. 440+mph!! My absolute favorite aircraft of all time, its just so sexy and powerful.



  4. Unforuntely I've got to get ready for work so it aint done, but in another couple of days I can finish it up. I had a snafu with the paint I picked up yesterday, turns out the orange is more of a yellow. So now I'm using Chevy Orange engine paint. Luckily the white primer is working fantastically, it doesn't hide anything, but it does cover very well. I got most of the orange base done and a little of the white ...this may take longer than I expected. Maybe I should have worked on it some yesterday. Oh well, it'll get done sooner or later. My memory and the rest of my brain were not communicating today so I forgot the camera, I'll get some pics next time.

  5. Since they all know I'm crazy already, not much explaination is needed. Depending on how long it takes to do body work my paint scheme could change quite a bit. Rattle cans are cheap and I really dont have anything better to do with my free time.

  6. Since I seem to be in league with Veritech-z, I've decided to pony up the vast sums of cash required for a quality, top of the line, rattle can paint job.

    Anyways, I spent $20 this morning on white primer, orange, light blue, and dark blue, all in spray bomb form of course. All this to suppliment my two cans of red and a can of black. Now what is all this for? Well, a picture is worth a thousand words...




    So far it is only an illustration, but by tomorrow night it should be a bit more.

    Why have I decided this? Well I've got so friggin much body work to do I might as well do a cheapo paint job till I get it all done. So I'm doing it, Like it or not, just keep in mind it's temporary.


    Here's the inspiration, the Camo Zzzap:


  7. I just stumbled across some pics of the Z police cars which might also make for interesting camo spinoffs. I think I'll stick with the BRE for now though, already started dontcha know.


    I apparently cant work on my DD today because my Dad locked it and took the keys with him so I'm screwed on that point, I can either keep surfing the net waiting for him to get home or go paint the Z. Decisions, decisions...

  8. I just shot some orange on the hood(it was green) and It totally doesn't match, its kinda funny how it looks now. I'm pretty sure that my car is faded red, not orange. Of course originally the car looks to have been brown, definately not going back to that.. I've got to work on my former DD for a while today so I'll just let my bright orange hood dry. Maybe tomorrow I can do the camo on the top.

  9. Since my budget for this month just got shot in the foot, about all I can afford to do with it is a spray bomb paint job. I dont know when I'll do it but soon, I'll post when it happens.


    btw, when do we get the pics that dont have overspray??

  10. Sounds familiar, I'm waiting for pentrating oil and carb cleaner to do their thing so that I can finish rebuilding my carbs. I'm the only one I know that has more car / airplane parts than other things in my bedroom! I currently have a 240 hatch, L20 crank, 260 intake setup, a complete A/C system, four tires, two wheels, two valve covers, three intake manifolds, five timing gears, and five aircraft engine cylinders (one O-200, two O-480, and two R-2800). If your wondering why I have all this stuff in my bedroom, one word ...apartment.

    I need a garage!

  11. Personally I like the Camaro better, The Challenger reminds me of the H2(looks like they hooked an airhose up to the old one). However I had never seen under the hood of the Challenger before and I have to say that I like what I see, clean and simple. One of the few new cars that you might be able to see the ground while looking under the hood. Unfortnately I know its going to get cluttered up for production, always does.


    I'm tempted to say that the muscle car wars are starting back up. However these cars are Waaay too pricey for us young people to buy, maybe in a couple of years as trade ins but not new. Sure they'll sell, but that's because the guys that bought the original muscle cars are buying them. It might be a war, but its definately out of my price range.

  12. Here's a spin on your idea...



    Use flat black instead of white on the sides and use orange as the base color for the top, then lay down grey and black camo spots over that. THe lower stripes would be blue with grey and black spots. I was thinking about using white instead of the grey but the way you colored the original I cant do that. plus it would keep the colors a little more subdued, even though it is orange! btw, hope you dont mind me borrowing your pic.

  13. I'm really not that attached to the idea, the more I think about it the more I dread the masking so I'm just going to ignore it for now.


    I dont have a g nose but I want one so I just drew it in. I dont have anything below the bumper anymore so I need something, a custom g nose is in the works. I've got so much body work to do I just want a cheapo paint job that I can touch up easily as I work. Speaking of flat black I've got another idea... I'll see if I cant get it posted up later tonight, I wish I had more time to draw.

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