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Posts posted by Chewievette

  1. Its his own thread he can jack it all he wants to ...right?


    anyways, here's what I was thinking. Not nearly as camo as yours but tiger stripes are technically camoflage.


    I'm not sure if the safety orange will work with this scheme or if I should go for a deeper shade of orange, more like a real tiger. The orange would fade to white at the bottom of the car. I experimented with shading a bit, it turned out okay I guess. So, whatcha think?

  2. I've got a pretty cool looking tiger stripes idea but I need to get some colored pencils to show the colors. I found a place where I can get some safety orange paint for pretty cheap I might just go over the whole body with that.

  3. Acctually they are going to get painted. I cant stand excessive amounts of chrome and shiny things. If it wont catch your eye with its form then it being shiny is just cheating. Plus, I've got an idea that should make it look really cool under the hood.


    I'm using flat tops because I cant get round tops in my neck of the woods without paying an arm and a leg. I payed $100 at the junkyard for everything from the head out, should work just fine until the switch to FI.

  4. Would you rather have me post multiple threads all over the forum about random stuff or have me put all my rants in one place. If you dont want to read the worklogs then dont, simple as that.


    I dont know when I'll be doing the camo but I have the orange and black from the rims left over in mass quantities. Need to pickup some white though, and set a scheme of course.

  5. My sig is exactly how my car currently looks ...mostly. I just posted a worklog in misc that shows current progress. But yes, it is very orange/faded red. I was thinking something a bit different, I dont like to copy others. I dont want to use the blue on my car but it looks good so I want to try it for something else. Tiger stripes comes to mind... I'm going to go doodle and see what I can come up with.

  6. This is the money pit ...err 240z that I bought a couple of months ago, It hasn't moved since. I have but one goal at the moment and that is to be driving this car before the end of summer. I would like the go to one of the local Z club meets with my Z. Between classes, work, and tinkering with this car I never have much time to type so I'll let the pics speak for themselves, mostly. I'll try to answer questions in a timely manner, comments, questions, etc... greedily accepted.





    Can you believe this hood came from a Michigan Junkyard?



    Blasted and repainted rims, week of 6-12-06



    Rebuilt Fuel Pump 6-19-06



    Rebuilt front carb 6-25-06




    Blasted intake manifolds 6-26-06



  7. Have you guys seen Olive Drab in rattle cans? I wont be doing body work for a while so I might as well play around with weird paint schemes right? Unfortunately I dont have a scanner or I would have chimed in on this thread sooner.

  8. I have looked everywhere I can think of to find a set of LD28 connecting rods. The only place I found that can even get them is the Nissan dealer and they have to order them in from Japan at $140 EACH! I was hoping to find some one who bought the whole motor for the crank but I've had ads on all the Z sites and no replies. If you guys know of any place that might have them, let me know. Thanks.

  9. 8k is slighty more reasonable, there's no way he getting 30k for that hunk of junk. But still, if you bought it at 8k and put 10k worth of parts into it then its still worth it, purely from a resale point of view.

  10. If they just swap the vin over then they wont be able to sell it on barrett because with it being on ebay right now every daytona fan and his brother know that this car is a total loss and will log that vin in their crap cars memory bank forever. Besides isn't swapping vins illegal?

  11. If you need a 2 seat hatch and want to get rid of the 2+2 hatch I'll offer to trade you my spare, I dont need two 2 seat hatches and I've been looking for a 2+2 hatch to experiment with. btw, its from a 240 in case you care.

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