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leftover z

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Everything posted by leftover z

  1. GOOD LUCK finding a decent hatch with the vents (Series 1) that isn't rusty, or going for a price that you can buy an entire shell for. But I agree, all the hatches from 71 to 78 are pretty much the same. Just my two cents worth
  2. I have a used one with a key for $20 plus shipping.
  3. I had the same problem on my '77. Replaced the starter, and it was good to go, for about a month. I'm on my 3rd starter now, which has been good for over 2 years. It was the solenoid. One out of 3 are crap. You could have a bad solenoid, even if it is new.
  4. Those were the "anti-theft" screws that Datsun used. You can use a Dremel tool to cut a slot, then use a standard screw driver to get them out. Or you could drill it out.
  5. Hey Hoov, hope you didn't get cross-eyed looking for that magical window.
  6. Down the street, take a left. Third window on the right, 3rd floor.
  7. Those vents behind the rear wheels look AWESOME. Are they real?
  8. Look closely at each window and zoom in...
  9. Did you see the naked chick in one of the windows???
  10. You're welcome. The '77 & '78 280Z's are pretty much identical.
  11. No worries. Had to yank your chain
  12. Yep! It's a horizontal L28, wtf right? haha DOH! Coulda had a V8!!!
  13. Ok, had a brainfart. I see that Aalleniii mentions he had the '71, but Clutchdust is the one who started this thread. Aaleniii kinda of unintentionally hijacked the thread. These electrical gremlins are common in all the S30's. My bad.
  14. I'm betting the "new switch" you got off eBay is either the wrong switch for your application, or simply not good. $39 for a new one including shipping sounds fishy. A new switch should cost well over $100 plus shipping. I had the same problem on my '77. Get a good switch made for your car. Even though the 280Z's appear to be the same, there are some differences in parts. As you mentioned all your lights work from your alarm, and to agree with T-Bone, it sounds like your light circuit is fine (power, ground and fuse). Something is funky with your switch. If you can't fix your original switch, I'd get a good used one that is from the SAME year as your car ('77 and '78 are the same).
  15. DANG Shift. That engine compartment looks nice. Not too much bling. Very tasteful.
  16. Nice links Daschund. You have been a busy boy
  17. Metallic paint and Koenig wheels. Sweet. Does that hood open too?
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