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Everything posted by jerryb

  1. FYI...not my auction http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/fender-mirror-datsun-240z-260z-280z-kp61-te27-ta22-ke70_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ72Q3a1171Q7c66Q3a2Q7c65Q3a12Q7c39Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1318Q7c301Q3a0Q7c293Q3a23Q7c294Q3a50QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem20abb35376QQitemZ140319609718QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  2. gas, fumes....and old smell. Intoxicating!
  3. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/240z-260z-280z-REAR-SUMP-FILTER-CONVERSION-RB-MOTOR_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ72Q3a1171Q7c66Q3a2Q7c65Q3a12Q7c39Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1318Q7c301Q3a0Q7c293Q3a6Q7c294Q3a50QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem4a97a543ebQQitemZ320371770347QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories Not my auction..just an FYI.....right in my back yard...more or less.
  4. Not my auction just an FYI....I dont recall seeing this install.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-Z-240Z-300ZX-4-Piston-Front-Calipers-Upgrade-Set_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ72Q3a1171Q7c66Q3a2Q7c65Q3a12Q7c39Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1318Q7c301Q3a1Q7c293Q3a6Q7c294Q3a50QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem5d24cadf45QQitemZ400049233733QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories Cheers
  5. Thanx Nigel I will be passing these off to hybridz for a bare minimum profit, so the price should be right. Ebay buyers can pay more....
  6. I am trying to get NISSAN J bolts. My dealer says they are available but has to go through Japan. He ordered 2 sets to see what happens. If they are avaulable I will order more and include them with the straps. Still pushing for that quote but as you can imagine...my "job" is small compared to the other stuff my guy does. But IM sure he will give me a good price. IM will also get a quote for steel straps for those that dont want shinny
  7. Ive had heavy duty nylon ZIP ties on mine for years...just dont buy the cheapo dollar store kind. Also pick up one of thise ZIP tie guns. You can get them for a few bucks and they will help tighten those ties snug.
  8. OK...the RFQ's are out. Lets see what comes back. Patience please!
  9. WOW.....the quality of cars just keeps improving. And to think, this is a track car! Please continue with more pics!
  10. Im sure he is churning out those insurance claims. Have a open discussion with him and try to establish a timeline and objectives...with payment schedules for completed work. I had the same problem many years ago. Bottomline is our well priced jobs are not their money makers..they are their time fillers. . Thats the reality. I use to go in 3 times a week to psh my guy along. THREE TIME a minimum. Now if we had enough money to hire a restoration shop rather than a body repair shop...the story would be different. Be patient...dont give up. Its all part of the game.
  11. Mad fun. My Teenage boys loved it as well!
  12. Still plan on a limited run....just busy at work. Will pursue later this week...for sure.
  13. Well ...I gravity feed my clutch yesterday and it worked great. It needed a real clean out!! As for the brakes...I used the old fashion pump method with a bleed container. That way I can exchange the bulk of the fluid myself. Then I have my son help with finishing it off. Thanx guys...
  14. At one point mine had as many...but with time there appears to be more aftermarket parts. Imagine selling the car to someone without these details!
  15. I hear that an efficent method of completely changing brake fluid is to crack open all 4 valves and be ready to start filling the brake reservoir. Wait for a steady stream of new brake fluid..... this should drive the old fluid out as wellas bubbles. Close off each caliper and then finish using the normal pump and bleed procedure. Does this make sense?? Or should I stick with one caliper at a time...starting from the furthest away.
  16. Why are they called the Pike Series?? And we are lucky at that...this place brings in all sorts of cars. I really like this one! I think there is a cute convertible as well...not sure of the name.
  17. Check this little cutie out!............ Could be a cool daily driver! http://www.j-specimports.ca/index.php?page=list/index.php?ID=14537
  18. Yes! That is correct...Now that you mention it!, I did buy them directly from Peter Chow...! And yes he did race Toyotas because he still had a car including tons of parts. I could have purchased everything from him for a song but I didnt have the space. He was very nice, showed me a lot of stuff. He had a basement full of "new" vintage race and tuner parts Thanx for the great info Alan...I was mis-reading the name as Chomini's and couldnt find a thing!
  19. These are 14" by 7" wheels with zero offset..... As near as I can tell they are vintage JDM. As close to new as possible. ULTRA LIGHT and nice dish. I bought them years ago with 6 Vintage Dunlop slicks. Had them on the track once and the combo was a blast!! Once hot they were sticky as hell and the small diameter would rev like crazy. Anyway I cant use them due to my Wilwoods and for that matter Im no longer crazy about 14"wheels. I want to sell them but would first like to obtain a bit more info on them.....any is appreciated! I think they would be perfect for the vintage racer!
  20. I luv those Celicas....Always remind me of a mini Camaro, in fact years ago I saw one made to look like a 69 Z28. I too would build one in a heart beat...
  21. LOL.... I now understand your user name!!! 10" is the widest standard size in our smooth lip barrels which run $487 each and widening them to 11" adds $445 each. With these wheels, the minimum backspace is 4-4.5" Another alternative is 18" 3 piece wheels that can accomodate that size and backspace for $737 each.
  22. Sorry no pricing yet... And yes the scratch ( I thought you'd notice)....was a result of being a little too wide.... sort of....( and some mis-handling), The overall width is actual exactly the same as OEM but....if you look back at the previous pics of the OEM straps you will see a double bend along the edge of the L brackets. This created extra clearance that kept the edges away from the tank. Dont forget the straps are inset into the tank. This can be overcome a couple of ways......narrower pieces or create a 45 degree bend at the edge moving it away from the tank. I have access to a big enough brake that should work. I used an old Bicycle intertube to cushion the strap from the tank.
  23. Here are install pics...looks cool! Needs a little work but its pretty much dead on.....
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