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Everything posted by jerryb

  1. Why would you get a new pump. There may be nothing wrong with it, could be the wiring. But it sure would be strange if the pump ran all the time and didnt kill the battery!?!?
  2. I keep coming back and trying to figure out the colour! Plum grey....ish?
  3. As much as I love my rims...one day ......CCWs :icon45:will be the sneakers:icon45: of choice!:icon45:! I am totaly :icon45:envious!:icon45:
  4. The Miata clan deserves two thumbs up for stuffage! You have to liken the Miata scene to the S30 Hybridz scene. When S30s are harder to come by...Miatas will be aplenty!
  5. Nice pics...I like the angle. Change the date in your camera!
  6. SENT...x2! I should clarify something... Even though the manual is for FC it is also for FC datalogit. This is a great extension of the Power FC and allows improved tuning through a laptop.
  7. YUP will be at Zfest this year..unless something else comes up....family stuff always comes first. PM me your email address and I will send the file to you. Its close to a meg....
  8. The column switch? One click the parking lights, two clicks parking lights and headlights. But that doesnt explain the brake lights. .......?
  9. PLX use to have a PDF bulletin on their web site explaining how to do this. Since they introduced their new and improved home page most of the useful stuff is gone. its all marketing now. I have a PLX500.... Look for PLXApp004(v1.1)...it explains how to do it. I plan to do the same but its low on my priority list and I have no idea how it will work with my FC. I run an RB20det If you pm me your email address I can send you a copy......I download everything (after all web sites are not forever)....I even have a English FC "manual". It not OEM but its darn good!
  10. Or you can do something like this for a lot less...... http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?p=1011354#post1011354
  11. Here is my progress...so far so good..... Inside is my version of the black box. A SS version that will be bolted to the baffle. It will have this valve bolted installed instead of trap doors. http://www.pegasusautoracing.com/productdetails.asp?RecID=6470 A friend who is a mechanic on the current GT circuit recommend this set up ...they use these valves for both team cars Decent price, I will try two, left and right and see what happen. Here the the installed ring...Im very please with the results! The lid is SS, Any advice on making my own gasket?? The AN fittings are ready for installation. The feed and return line will be SS.....feed will be bent into shape after the SS box is installed with the ball valves. In order to have the ring sit flush I leveled the top of the ring to the stock steel tank material near the vent tube. Then I cut and hammered the tank material up (in the indent areas) to form a vertical lip. There is lots there, its easy to work with and welds up perfect. Dont cut out too much as I didn in one spot...or you will be making a patch. It was TIG'd by a good buddy of mine that custom welds for a living. T
  12. I dont believe they are available. Its one of those items the Z world needs reproduced.
  13. Just go with the RB25, it will have more than enough power and revs to put a smile on your face...right out of the box! If there were a lot of benefits to doing this swap Im sure it would be a hot topic here and the Skyline forums.....but its not. I run a RB20 in my S30 because ultimate power wasnt that important, if it is to you then the RB25 is a better platform to start with. And dont forget, your Z31 is a fair bit heavier than my S30 so go with the setup that offers more torque! The RB25 tranny is better, stronger and typicaly worth a lot more! Overall there isnt much that you would want to keep off the RB20 and use in place of RB25 parts.....nothing. There may be a few spares, ignitor...coil packs..... Injectors are not compatible. And on a selfish note, ....I may be interested in a spare RB20! Cambridge isnt that far and I need more clutter in my garage! Just pm if you interested.
  14. Im afraid my personal wealth wont let me play with those toys! But I have often considered making a replica of one. Not exact, just look alike that I could go to the track and play with.
  15. :lmao::lmao::lmao:This is the most honest and amazing statment I have come across in a long time. Thank you so much.....I fully understand! May I quote it?
  16. I have a copy of that picture in my rec room. Sean Connery..... the best BOND! An amazing car with many pimped out toys!
  17. HA!...imagine showing up at the clubs nexts lapping session with that!
  18. No probs...There will be zero SS discoloration if you cut at the right speeds...slow.
  19. Just to help clear something up. You cant just buy a Chrome piece and make something out of it. You would need to buy a piece of steel , make the part and then send the finished piece to have it chromed. A somewhat expensive task because they would need to polish the piece to a luster before chroming. And you will not work harden SS when drilling it. Drill with slow RPM and use lots of lubricant, otherwise you will burn up your cutter. Most home drill presses dont go nearly slow enough to cut SS...I know ....I found out the hard way! It also depends on the grade of SS and lots of metalurgical mumbo jumbo....anyway, it doent matter for a trim piece that takes zero load of any sort. Correct me if Im mis-understanding but this is a decorative application...not functional so your primary concern is appearance? SS may be the best option for a trim piece. It can be purchased with a brushed, matt or polished finish. It even comes with a protective plastic film to prevent scratching during the manufacture of the part. Best part is , SS will not tarnish like AL.
  20. Come on.... Im sure you've seen the old B&W gangster movies...they tear through town and old dirt roads with machine guns blazing and cops in close pursuit!. In cars just like below. Perhaps you're just not driver enough! ....but then neither am I!
  21. Oh ya BRAAP...I can see myself in this one!
  22. HAHA...most of us wish we had one of those!!
  23. We all enjoy Datsuns and Nissans for many reasons, memories, performance, history, style perhaps budget....etc... But if you could own one car...any car....your dream car, what would it be? Mine is is a Ferrari 340MM Why?...no other reason than the styling. Its simply beautiful! Post a picture of your dream car and share why it is.... Cheers!
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