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Everything posted by jerryb

  1. dat-sin - Ontario lol....I had to ask my sun.....
  2. I used the Gladman manifold. A fellow from www.ka-t.org makes them. Its a cast log unit, pretty decently made and I bought mine from ebay for about $250. The turbo hangs down and the only fit problem I had to deal with was to turn the engine mount around 180 degrees. Otherwise the Z31 turbo would not fit. He was surprised so my guess is it wont fit large turbos. I also have a couple of RB20 turbos and plan to try one after I test the car as it sits. If you visit thei KA-T site they have a few other options now. Im traveling on business right now and will take a few pics for you this weekend.
  3. Its true Raff....I have confirmed it about a month ago.
  4. Thanks ....but yoo rich. Also all due respect....this is your first post.....
  5. For what its worth you can still pick new OEM dashed from NISSAN for about $1200 Canadian.
  6. The black car is sweet. Now dress it up to look like a 3.0 CSI...the ultimate Bimmer!
  7. Contact me off line. You may have a bad cable. BlaZt would like to replace it with a new cable as long as we get the old one to test.
  8. Im just starting on my tank and have a question...is your tank a 240 or 280? The top contours are slightly different than mine and the ring sits over the edge of my tank. If you have a 240 tank is it modified to fit the ring? Also....does anyone know of a proven design that can be used to build a "black box". It cant be so hard..its a small box...but the hinge doors are my concern. The doors alone cost over $90 from ATL. Im wondering if some other kind of hing would work. Not to oversimplfy this but what if SS door hinges were attached to the inside of a SS box? This would allow flow in but not out...... I have lots of sheet material and a brake I can use to build this box....just need a few ideas for the hinged doors. Any suggestions are appreciated. 1 Tuff Z/Monzster...you used the black box and have that touchy feely exposure to the ATL unit. Are the ATL hinges on a spring? What do you think of this idea?
  9. Maybe a crazy idea but.....many center consols are very tired and rough looking. I wonder if they could recover the consoles to make them look "new" and match you recovered dash!
  10. What happens when you try to reconnect after you lost the signal? Also, try running the dashboard with just two gauges. If you select a parameter that is sending a "bad" signal NDS will disconnect. I will be on......
  11. Anyone have an extra harness? Want to use it to clean up my current build. Thanks.
  12. That should be fine. Check the ECU....is there a switch on the RB25unit for test mode? If so and if its in test position, take it out.
  13. OK.......I am a BlaZt distributor. You didnt need to hack the plug, you could have bought a new in car connector from us. I need you to check the following...when you try to start the car does the power continue to the consult plug? It sounds like you may not be hooked up to a constant power source.
  14. And just to confirm, it does this on XP only after you start the car? Right.....
  15. You have my familiies thoughts, wish I could offer more. Stay strong!
  16. Try re-installing the drivers. VISTA has many driver issues. It's that or you have a short of some type.
  17. Does Datascan currently read the ECU number when the car isnt running?
  18. Datascan.....are you sure all the wires are conneted correctly?
  19. Gotcha!! FYI...just stumbled upon this.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=350169601755&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&viewitem= A lot of $$ but interesting.
  20. Go for it! An amazing little car that I always wanted to own.
  21. Doent look bad...but doesnt look right either........ My guess is that car is a chop shop disaster. And that gauge cluster is getto!
  22. What do you mean by spun them??
  23. He is linked now.............:mrgreen:...I asked him a question.........:mrgreen: Lets have some fun with him......perhaps all of us should ask him a question?
  24. NISSAN DATA SCAN does not work with APEXI or any other stand alone ECU as all the addresses are different. I distribute these and cant run the software on my RB20DET due to the very reason. But it will work on rechipped ECUs like JW. Contact me off this thread if you are interested.
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