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Posts posted by jerryb

  1. Wheel balance? And check all the suspension bolts to make sure they are tight!


    On my 72 Datsun Z while driving above speeds of 50MPH the steering wheel begins to shake excessively. I recently replaced the steering coupler so it cant be that. Could a bad allignment be the cause of this? I just wanted to this if this has happened to anyone before i start taking and replacing parts.
  2. First killer bees and now killer crickets! I cant wait for the movie!!!!


    Jiminy goes JERK!

    Its like the day when my oldest son...when he was 5...came to me with a little cute green beetle on his thumb. He was terrified of it and asked me to take it of. I calmed him down and explained that cute green bugs dont biet. Guess what....it bit him...wow what a look a betrayel did I get from that little man!

  3. OK.OK..OK...OK.....OK!!!! Nough said!!!! Off to get my weekly dose of Canadain Tire!


    A quick note on that turbo...its very odd...I know its from a Z31 but the DP is not attached to the flapper flange. To your commets...could it be a JDM version of some kind?


    Thanx Raf!



    jerry jerry jerry.... no 30thou gasket, please.






    save your dollars, and buy a 7 dollar tube of ULTRA COPPER PERMATEX GASKET.




  4. Im just going to make a 30thou copper gasket and trust that this should fill in any irregularities that may have developed ober the years.



    on the z31 the wastegate housing is part of the downpipe. The L28et uses that same pattern but the wastegate housing is separate, with a 4 bolt flange on the outside for the DP. I have never seen a gasket on the L28 turbo wastegate housing, so maybe you could just bolt them up metal to metal. I have never seen a issue from doing that.
  5. Just to repeat...from personal experience, not hear say....I ran the roller bearing for years with zero issues. A good friend built a L28 at the same time, also with a roller and he is still running his car on and off the track.


    Saying this...I dont believe there was any notable advantage. My bud had them laying around the dealership so we used them.


    Lets put it this way...by going standard bushing you wont be saying..."I wish I had gone roller" as you would never notice the difference anyway.

  6. Thanx aaron...I ran right down and tried a 4 hole and a 6 hole gasket ..happen to have both in a box...nope! Neither work:confused:


    Hey I just realized I called to you late Friday.....welcome aboard!...and I did vist http://homemadeturbo.com/ cool site.


    At this point Im considering having them laser cut at a local shop. If I cut up a 7 hole OEM


    Thanx!down pipe and use the flange as a pattern....... but first I will try the part number below!


    jerry, have you checked to see if a standard 4 bolt gasket will work? it doesn't look like all 5 holes will line up, but if 3 of them do and the port is centered, then it should still work fine if you can get all 7 bolts in. might be easier/cheaper than going with a home made one.



  7. During this mornings search for Bike engined cars I came across this web site http://www.h1v8.com/page/page/1562068.htm


    It sounds more or less like what you are tring to accomplish....right down to the crank configuration. For what its worth they will be going into production early next year and I expect price will drop much below the current $30K. In my mind ...the best part about this 2.8L powerplant..is it weighs only 150 pounds.


    Oh ya...go here as well... www.dpcars.net/home/intro.htm for an actual installation.

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