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RB26's $800, Turbine Kits, RB25 Transmissions

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

I knew that title would get you..

I live here so I take this for granted everyday but I'm sure alot of you RB fanatics would be interested in this stuff. I bid on these auctions to get parts for my stuff...

But heres the link and instructions to something you never knew existed...

www.yahoo.co.jp / Follow directions and I'll get you there.. It's gonna ask you to install a language driver.. click yes and download it, its not that big and gets you one step closer to GTR motors for $800..

Alright you got the language thing installed so it will pick up Japanese characters.. Now open the site.. I know you can't read anything just yet but stay close..

-Now minimize and open another explorer window

then go to this address-

http://babel.altavista.com (if it don't work just type "web page translation" into google and Alta vista will come up..

Alright open up the Yahoo page in Japanese, go to address bar and right click and copy.. minimize or close.. but go back to the other explorer with altavista and enter the address.. then move the window on the right to Japanese to English..

Poof.... you in yahoo.japan but its English..

Go to the Auctions section.. Type RB26 in search and here you go. You see everything I see..

Remember the Page is originaly Japanese. So words like Intercooler and Blowoff in the search box in English don't mean Dick.. You simply read down the translated version till you come to the word you want ie...intercooler, then look at the top of the altavista translator where says view original language, go back to the one that you know says intercooler (only know its Japanese) highlight cut and paste that into the search box..

Also use generic terms, like CA18, SR20, RB25, S30 or l28 numeric values are the same in both languages..A little while and you will figure it out.. Let me know if anybody needs anything else.. I'm trying to score an extra head off the auction right now.. Also for those that will ask the Yen Rate is 120 to $1.00, which means take the price you see on the auction and divide by 120 to get dollars.. puke.gif

Have a great day..

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first 2 selections from the catagory box should be car and part then its self explanatory. to make things easier on the top of the actions stuff click on the thing that shows the camera and this will bring everything up in photos and is alot easier to browse rockon.gif

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Guest Anonymous

I've bought several items from yahoo auctions.


You need to fill out a registration form. You need to give an address in Japan, and most important of all, you need to give them a .jp ISP e-mail account. If you cannot read Kanji (or get it translated) your gonna be pretty much stuffed.


Once you have your account you can start bidding, once you have a succesful bid, you will get an e-mail from the person (in japanese of course) and they will tell you the account to do a 'furikomi' into. You need to be able to read Kanji or get it translated for the bank account. YOu then need to go down to the ATM machine, and transfer your money to their account. Although some ATM's have english, they only have limted english fuctions. The bank I was with (Tokyo Mistubishi) didnt have there 'furikomi' in english, so again, you need to read Kanji because a translator wont help you in this case. I dont read much kanji, but I read katakana and hiragana which helped...but was still a bit trickey.


Of course if you are not in Japan than your pretty much screwed anyway :( (unless you have someone to forward it to)


PS: RB26 turbo's often go for about $500 USD in Australia...and we speak english :-)

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big big word of warning. Sure, you can get a rb motor of UNKNOWN condtion, with absolutely no way to verify it at all, but you have no idea what the shipping will end up. If you are lucky, and they are smart, you can ensure they pack it in a box that is less than one cubic meter,(about 3x3feet), and they are savvy enough to put it in with someone elses container, you might get away with about $5-700 total shipping cost. It is about $2-400 per cubic meter. That does not include tax, duties, and fees, which vary depending on who you go through, the value, etc. Next, if the box is say 1.1 meter x 1.1 meter x 1 meter, you are now paying for 4+ cubic meters. See what I mean? Every direction you go over, is another cubic meter you must pay for. So if it is off in two dimensions, that means on 4 sides, it goes over. all 3 dimensions? 6 cubic meters. See what I am driving at? You might get lucky and find someone not charging by the cubic meter, but that is rare. it is several thousand dollars to ship an entire crate(ocean crate, maybe 10mx5mx5m?), like $4-6000.

Unless you really know the person who is dealing with the shipping on that side, don't do it. And pay in advance, or you can end up paying more than quoted on this side, or not get your crate. I looked into this heavily and talked with those who have shipped. My motor is being shipped from Japan. I had to get them to rebuild the crate since it was about 1.3x1.1x.9m. That was $90 in wood times two boxes. They had to do some creative packaging to get a RB26 and all the associated junk, plus a RB25 transmission in a crate that could be handled by a forklift,(remember, nearly 8-900 lbs with the crate). Wood is not cheap in Japan. Food for thought. I would really recommend AGAINST buying off Yahoo or ebay japan. I would only suggest you have something bought and shipped from Japan if you know the person, or they are in the military and can get away with a FPO-AE address. Even then, it is hard to ship a 700-900lb box, no matter what the size.

While the deals are great, there are far too many unknowns to commit several thousand dollars. It would be kinda silly to pay $1000 for a RB26,(which may be very incomplete, manifolds, lines, etc..) then to have to pay $1500 or more in shipping and such to get it over here. You could have shopped around and gotten a complete, verifiable motor for maybe a little bit more. And there was even one for sale here for $2500! Although for the RB26, expect at least $5k, more like 6-7k for everything you need for a good swap. I can understand what Zeroyon is driving at, but I think it is a very bad idea for anyone in the States. Remember, he is stationed in Japan if I remember correctly.


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Have you ever bought anything from yahoo?


If you can buy stuff from yahoo, its a great way!!


However...I would never buy things which are too big (even a turbo is too big/heavy IMO, if you are sending via post).


It would be a hassle to have just one motor shipped over from japan. I agree with Bob on this. Plus you dont get to see it, no warranty etc.


If you really want a cheap engine, have some money, have some contacts in Japan who are in the know, come over to a wrecking yard and just pull a container load of engines and send em back to the US. That way you have a VERY cheap engine, and you can make a killing from the selling the 30+ engines in your container smile.gif

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Guest Anonymous

I Live in Japan, about 20 min from down town Hiroshima.. and he is right to a point, the freight cost he quoted is a bit high.. I get an entire 24ft Conex box for about $2600 plus $500 for shipping arrangement, embarkation paperwork. And I stay with it till I see it on the ship and get my B.O.L., As for shipping just one engine that would be a waste of time and money for anybody in the states, get up to 30 or so and your talking worth while and profit on both ends. I usually buy about 80 motors at a pop and you can stuff 69 into a 20ft box, I pack them tight. And by buying motors in that type of bulk I get a hell of a price. But for small stuff, turbo's etc. its no problem, I sell turbo's off of ebay all day long and offer $20.00 shipping anywhere with in the U.S., I'm only bound by size restriction on boxes, no more than a combined total of 130" all the way around Length width and height.. Anything above that and I have to go off base and pay the standard freight charge which is astronomical for one large part. So items like bumpers, and body panels I really can't do, and other things of large irregular size. I have slews of gtr brake calipers laying around. And I have a single turbine stainless rb26 hks manifold with the t04 flange too.. If anybody is interested. Not trying to post an advertisement just trying to hook somebody up if they are serious about getting something as I live here in Japan and have for the last 8 years..My zipis 96603 which is actually somewhere in California so shipping is calculated from there.


On the Z side of the house, I was shown the vivid reality that the RB26 is not indestructable.. Had a large vacum line for the wastegate, that was steel ziptied to the fire wall break free letting it get close enough to the manifold that it was able to shrink rap it and melt it into the closed position. So when I romped on it coming home from

work boost shot up past 2bar, (then the loud pop) which I assume to this point was the ring landing colapsing, malebitchslap.gif So now I have the fastest RB26 Z that can be pushed.. But on the good side I luckily happen to have a spare block that I was going to use for the built motor.. So I'll drop that one in and rebuild the now blown one..(ah well) Speed cost money, How fast can you afford to go.. I should be up and running again by Sunday barring natural disaster.. Another thing that I cam up with in my research.. Is that crower has the cheapest stroke up kit on the market for the RB26, It costs $5500 US, for a custom stroked crank, 4340 rods, forged pistons, wrist pins, gapless rings, and all the other goodies needed.. Much cheaper than the $7500 + for Jun or Hks.. and I've used crower stuff before and it's damn good..I've run 1.8 bar consistently on a 3tg w/ a t04s for the past 2 years using crower rods and crank and have had no problems..plus they are America based so technical questions,and assistance are readily available.. I plan on scraping the single t78 kit and going twin 3037s or 3040's, I can get the 3037's complete kit used for about $2800 over here.. Well more to come as I keep this project rolling. Looking for a daily 600hp on a 2.7 liter RB26..


Feel free to reply to my personal email..

td07s25a@hotmail.com b_hand.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest empracing

you do realise that the html for that site is mostly english! i just opened the sorce and looked for autos its above the first big table

or http://autos.yahoo.co.jp will do it or even better put your pointer over the jibberish and it tells you the links name down the bottom of the screen i cnat seem to find the language pack so ill suffer the boxxes and ting

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