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I'm about at the end of my rope...


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...SO after the weekend we had, it was topped off with an enjoyable evening with my mom and dad. I cooked dinner for them, and we spent 3.5 hours chatting about the "Old Days" and when I was a kid and just HOW MUCH I remember from childhood... Great evening, and just having them there to laugh and talk with was priceless.

So this afternoon my mom calls and explains that my dad has been "T-BONED" in an accident. Car is totalled and they had to "Cut" him out of it. He is OK. Pulled some back muscles and got bruised up but that was about it. Both he and the other guy were ticketed, but from the sound of it my old man made an U-Turn at a green light, but he failed to yield to the young guy he turned in front of... Poor guy thought he killed my dad. They said he was in tears...


Man, I was a wreck when my mom called... Kept it in, but the stress... Man.


Dad is taking the week off from work, and he is gonna go to Lowes with me to pick up the materials for the stairs to the second story of the garage, and to help pick out the french doors for the family room... I'd just as soon keep him close by...


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Guest tt350



Ive never seen someone go through that much hassle in my life (excpet when my dad's company was goin down the drain, but thats business, not physical), and Im from Palastine! Ive seen some heavy stuff, but not in that short amount of time frame.


My heart is with you and your family... and there is an old saying in my family that might cheer you up...


Whenever we go through tough times like that, everyone says it strengthens (toughens) you, so when you come out, youll be able to face bigger problems without faltering (we have to get used to this thinkin in Palastine).


Hope it helps, and I hope this is the last of your problems :)

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Mike, it does seem like bad news comes in bunches sometimes. Be thankful that he wasn't hurt, and don't let it overwhelm you. Take one thing at a time, there are bound to be better days ahead.



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Guest comeandzpa

they always say things have to get worse before they can get better...hopefully things will start going better for you soon

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Wow, I've been super busy lately and haven't been on the site. Missed this - and you never mentioned it in emails.


Very sorry to hear about that. Your family's hearts and minds have hadd too much of a work out lately.


Best Regards,


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