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get out, get out, GET OUT!

David K

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Gray Davis, get out of office NOW!


What in the hell did Gray Davis do today? He signed a bill allowing illegal aliens to obtain a California drivers license. I am shocked! I cant go out in the country i was born in, legally, without sharing the road with thousands of people who dont belong here. Is Gray Davis just trying to screw up California as much as possible before his final day?


What ever happened to a good old fashioned overthrowing?

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What confuses me, is that here in ohio, I (a life long US citizen)can`t even renew my plates without presenting my social security card,and or my birth certificate, and a state issued picture I.D... BUT illegal aliens are allowed to get a state drivers licence with NO picture I.D. whatsoever :roll:

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Wait a minute...

what EXACTLY was the point of this "bill"?????

Was it ACTUALLY intended for illegal aliens? I don't see how anyone would sign that...what was its real purpose? I've been reading about this in a few other Z forums, but I didn't think it would actually pass...and still haven't grasped the reason behind even bringing it up.

Was it really created so some guy could swim a river and a get a license?


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The end result will be eligability for whatever social programs are offered in that particular state. (medical,welfare,disability,education) :roll:


I`m all for taking care of your problems at home, before you go to your neighbors to fix his. Why should we allow our neighbors to sneak into our house and then expect us to feed and clothe them when we find them hiding in the basement. :x

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The end result will be eligability for whatever social programs are offered in that particular state. (medical' date='welfare,disability,education) :roll:


I`m all for taking care of your problems at home, before you go to your neighbors to fix his. Why should we allow our neighbors to sneak into our house and then expect us to feed and clothe them when we find them hiding in the basement. :x[/quote']


Welcome to California.


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if you were illegal wouldn`t you want to remain hidden from the goverment? then why obtain a drivers licence. as soon as they do the goverment will have tabs on who and where they are. why should they try to get one when they can drive without one. it`s just a stupid liberal political move that will haunt him long after he`s out of office. if he wants to stay in office he should sign an act making it manditory for everyone to learn and speak english.



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if you were illegal wouldn`t you want to remain hidden from the goverment?

Each branch of the government does not talk to each other, therfore they wouldnt do anything anyway. If the police detains and illegal, they dont call INS unless youre a terrorist or a wanted criminal.

They drive with out licenses and insurance anyway, my cars been hit enough 9 out of 10 dont carry any, that's why i carry exta "Uninsured and Underinsured" part for my car.

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...I'm getting out of California, most likely for good.

Unless there are some MASSIVE changes to california policy, taxation, immigration and many other thngs.


I want to start a custom car shop in the future, and unless California becomes much more "business friendly" it will not be here.


the whole situation is hilarious to the point of being disgusting.


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Keep this in mind...

Arnold has received an endorcement form the CA Chamber of Commerce. This is historic as it is the first time this organization has ever endorced a Candidate for CA Governor in its entire history!! I believe that this is indicative of Arnold's pro-business policies, and that's exactly what this State needs. The democrats, under Davis, have all but driven the business man to Nevada, Arizona, Mexico and China. I think that's it's worth the gamble to get a 'non-politician' candidate into Sacramento.

My 2c worth!


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Being of Irish descent I'm all for immigration. Over 2 million Irish came over from about 1845 to 1890 and all the same problems occurred, all the same complaints were aired, but eventually things worked out pretty well for this country and the immigrants. The same is happening with the Hispanic immigrants.


The millions of "illegal" immigrants we have in California are already driving around, already receiving medical and social services, are already paying taxes, and are already raising second, third, and sometimes fourth generation families. Giving them a driver's liscense isn't going to suddenly increase demands for services that are already being delivered.


This is a purely political issue that both parties are using for whatever advantage they think they can gain. It has no affect in the real world.


BTW... I'm a registered republican and voted for Bill Simon, Bush (both), etc.


BTW2... Despite all that I read in the papers, things are pretty good here in California. I've also found that not listening to talk radio (Rush, etc.) has made me a happier person - the sky's not falling after all!


BTW3... I think its funny to hear Arnold say he's going to try and repeal this bill. Who does he think takes care of his landscaping every week? How does he think the crew gets there? How pissed would he be if they didn't show up 'cuz none of them could drive the truck? I'll still vote for Arnold but he needs to think a bit more.

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